
When is the world going to realize that JJ is just a hack. Every one of his tv projects is successful because of the talented people he has running them for him, not because he has any sort of talent, and every movie he has directed is just a poor attempt at copying a better movie from his childhood. I mean, by his

Tanks aren’t invincible, just insanely tough. The damage here appears to be mostly to the add on armour. That stuff can be swapped out with a few hours work. There might be some suspension damage, but all of those components are designed to be relatively easily replaced.

Hell’s bells people! Calm down! Ayo, in the comics, is in a same sex relationship with a character named Aneka. Feige’s statement merely said that the relationship between Ayo and OKOYE (a different character from Ayo’s girlfriend in the comics) is not romantic in nature. IT SAYS NOTHING AT ALL ABOUT EITHER CHARACTERS

As a serving Canadian Forces member, I would like to point out that Canadian Moose and his/her opinions do not represent Canadians as a whole. Or moose for that matter.

There are people in this world who’s job, some might even say their purpose, is to kill other people. Weapons like this are made for them, so that they may kill more efficiently, that they may survive where their enemy does not. You, and many of the readers here will scoff at this concept, Gizmodo has some pretty