do you even rumble pack bro?
Left out of this article and discussion is that, separate from Death Cab, Chris Walla is an amazing producer - he's produced some of the very best indie rock of the last 10 years including the Decemberists, Nada Surf, the Thermals, the Long Winters, and more. Excited to see what his next project is!
Hoping for a refreshing Marc Maron-type neurotic take on Smee
How did someone who made one of the greatest serialized miniseries ever (The Long Halloween) fall so far?
You don't get credit for doing a Leia series if the art is by Terry Dodson.
The Rock was born to play Black Adam
The Rock as Black Adam is, as you said, truly perfect casting
To me, the revelation of Patient Zero being an airline pilot qualifies, plus the expertly crafted end credits showing the virus' path across the world.
I left upset at the ending - every other Apes film has had a final twist, I couldn't believe they just ended
The lack of a final twist was incredibly annoying. I think this is the first apes film ever without a final twist
Is any of the Johns stuff worth it - Justice League, Aquaman, Shazam?
I think James Franco was cast just right. In Planet of the Apes, his character accidentally created a virus that literally WIPED OUT THE VAST MAJORITY OF THE HUMAN RACE.
TVW as Parallax actually does explain a lot about the past couple years
Yahoo! please pair this with a fourth season of BURNING LOVE!
also known as "Masturbatory Great TV Show Actor Casting"
Bring on W. Kamau Bell please
Yup. Basically: 1. He wrote Blade II 2. He wrote the first draft of Batman Begins 3. Nolan didn't edit it enough to get sole screenwriting credit, 4. Superman murders someone in cold blood
This was truly the most bizarre part of the episode. An officer of the law proudly smiling as he sees his daughter off to an organization that is - unironically - called the LEAGUE of ASSASSINS
Flashbacks have to go a minimum of 5 seasons, 1 for each of his years away from Starling CIty