
Clearly your comment was written in style of the article. Well done. And, What?

This is awful and all, but on an unrelated note: Does no one read these articles before they get posted? I know I’m extremely guilty of the I’M DONE, SEND/ PRINT/ SUBMIT IMMEDIATELY to then later realize that something makes no sense or has a massively glaring financial error. But I don’t publish stuff hence the

‘cracked dash... 92 jetta... $14000' - wtf?!

It looks really nice and actually interesting, although the metal roof rail thing reminds me of an optima and looks crappy. I would buy one if it was cheap but chances are the model shown will end up costing nearly as much as the volvo, at least until it sits on the lot for a year.

I was also distracted from the vitriolic racism once I saw how that poor RSX was destroyed. truly, SAD! on rather a different level than the main story.

Aside from that, it sounds like a whole lot of happy happy joy joy. trumpet the trash clown please hurry up and force us to impeach you. The productivity of normal, real americans will go down the proverbial shitter due to constant interruption by dispatches of the inner workings of our first trash administration

it’s the new (old) way of things!

No, you don’t understand libel. Or defamation. How it works is, trumpet sees headline, feels a type of way about it, and this constitutes libel, defamation, bad liberal journalism, SAD!, also the NY times is failing. this is how it works. you’re welcome.

Trumpet absolutely believes with all his... inner essence??... that anything he finds personally insulting, upsetting or derogatory is libelous - regardless of actual FACT or perhaps opinion. He is literally perhaps the least suited for public office of anyone imaginable.

The normalization happening in the media aside, now is exactly the time to go just as hard as these asshats did trying to sue and malign Obama out of office. The amount of actual FACT available to use against trumpet is more than adequate.

Go ahead and ‘open up’ those libel laws so he can fast track his trash brand and trash person directly into jail.

The astounding hypocrisy of these trash trumpets: garbage humans, has not even begun yet. We stand poised to witness the single greatest assault on logic and facts known to history. While the white trash voters will be smugly unaware of any affront to logic, facts, intellect or common decency, the true excitement

In NJ (and I assume in many other places) they made it a law to stop for pedestrians which results in people just running out into the street whenever they feel like it, blatantly in front of moving traffic and vehicles are expected to just immediately stop short and hope the person driving behind them is equally as

In anticipation of widespread proliferation of MAGA, it is essential for all people to learn basic white trash behavior.

I might be equally upset if someone tried to sell me a 7 w/out a sunroof. It’s the same time of anger I feel seeing all these no doubt special lease offer cla250's around here w/ no sunroof. like, really, that’s not a MB. it’s a SAD! joke.

very good point about the abuse.


Aside from price and communication skills, grill, roof and fuel filler door need immediate correction.

If you get a quality CPO vehicle that meets your needs/ wants, I don’t think you really miss out on much. I’m super OCD myself, and when I got my car, everyone thought it was new. Of course, there was probably some luck involved here, but mostly shopping around and seeing what examples of a vehicle you want are

very well played; I think this might be the real cotd.