
This is the most pathetic and infuriating design idea since bmw reinvigorated and then subsequently abandoned (hello mb??) the column shifter... And quickly followed up by the incredible proliferation of giant glass fixed panel sunroofs. puke. However, on topic, this insight thing looks reasonably cool as an alternate

Strong possibility these people are also identifiable as morons.

“Which is why I take my food to go.” The only acceptable way to eat at crack barrel, b/c #TRASH... which is parallel to your argument.  

except that rare outback 3.6R unicorn type subie! otherwise, there is not a more apt description of the subaru boxer engine. capital WHEEZE.


But not as dumb as horses, which, I suppose is a win.

To make this even more ‘interesting’, I mainly based my Acura/Honda observation on listening to several neighbors cars during the 90's. No car I’ve ever had, or even in my family has made this noise, and they’ve almost all been automatics. Including my present 2010 tsx 2.4 auto - doesn’t make the noise... Maybe it was

Outside of the IS, and the 2006 generation GS, GS has always been the best looking Lexus sedan imo. The current model (again, after the IS) looks the best out of everything they have. It’s more masculine than the ES and less boring than the LS.

This was my thought - ‘she couldn’t be worse than him’... I mean, LITERALLY NO ONE is worse than trumpet. full stop. And as we don’t often hear news items about Merkel being a horrible racist thieving con artist lying hypocrite piece of shit, compared to him she’s very clearly god level leader or something

This is on hbo in the us

Such an epic disgrace that this literal human trash is representing the country. Worse, the dumb trash that voted for him are so far beyond ignorant they still don’t get it and think he’s doing a fine job, like the fat pig in the news today that is thanking trumpet for her Obamacare health discounts. Eat your trash

No offense taken - growing up I seem to only remember hearing said noise from Hondas, and later in life I have discussed presence of the noise in Honda/ Acura vehicles with other car minded people. I know it’s not exclusive to Honda but it seems to be extremely uncommon with other makes and very consistent within

I def thought the noise was meant to serve as an audio reminder that turn signal was engaged thereby making it easier to identify unfocused drivers continuing to motor along with the turn signal on for blocks and miles past a turn. Suppose it’s also helpful in that arena.

This was a great talk about the failure of Chrysler thanks for sharing!

How Chrysler died and no one at Daimler cried.

After reading the headline, I was going to suggest you fight this in court so glad to hear that you already have, and were successful. It snowed rather a lot here yesterday in the NYC metro area. Went out this morning and while not all roads are 100% plowed clear, most are acceptable. Yet there are certain people out

More apropos would totally be a Honda b/c I think many people associate this noise specifically w/ Honda/ Acura...!

Get him a Mustang.

i did learn that actually reading the linked article. I had never heard the name before. However, yea I agree that regardless of heritage it was perhaps a bit lazy initially. However, SUPERAMERICA is a totally awesome name.

‘Superfast’ seems kindof like a super lazy name, no?