
As if American citizens can’t be law breaking assholes? When a law breaking asshole is in charge of law breaking assholes, you need 3rd party intervention to get justice.

She makes them feel so puny and pathetic. She makes them feel so weak and insecure. She walks out on that court, looking like that, dominating the sport like that, and they cannot handle it. The only thing they can do to try and diminish her power and her greatness is some bullshit dress code? SUFFER, FRENCH TENNIS

Floods lift fine sediment out of gravel and aerate them, those are things that are good for trout and salmon, driving a truck up a stream bed compacts gravel and redistributes fine sediments over fish habitat depriving the devolving eggs and fry of oxygen. A flood does the opposite of smashing a car up a stream. That

every cold case involving a black murder victim in that county country needs to be reopened and investigated now.

So law enforcement helped cover up the murder. Right now there needs to be a full investigation of that police department and every cold case involving a black murder victim in that county needs to be reopened and investigated now.