
You show that picture and yet he is sooo horribly bad, Avengers was a caricature, his only real stand out work was Firefly (sorry Buffy loves, but that show was not good on so many levels).

To answer your question....

Yes and no. Yes, he’s supposed to be on Superman’s level with additional powers of telepathy, shape shifting and phasing. That’s a clear win right? But his weakness is fire and Superman has heat vision.

Nope. Heat Vision.

Too weird, I guess?

(Author’s note: They have dessert wine on airplanes?)

“..and I really do not want to watch RDJ in anything. Very tired of him.”

So why was there a rush to say she was at fault?

If there’s one thing I hate about modern blockbuster movies, it’s the callow/dickish hero who gets humbled into doing the right thing, and learns that deep down, he was really a selfless hero all along — nü-Kirk, the Reynolds Green Lantern, Cruise in The Mummy (although that pretty much describes most of Cruise’s

Other way round for me: Tobey was the better Peter, and Andrew the better Spidey.

I agree, a lot of people trashed the films but the second really fell apart when they tried to squeeze too much in all at once. The hand of the Studio trying to shoe horn in the Sinister Six was so obvious it broke the film. It’s interesting as that’s the exact same problem with Spider-Man 3. I think the saving grace

Man of Steel was crap, but it had an interesting idea — that Kryptonians used to travel space and that hey had visited Earth in the past. So maybe they are like the Engineers in Prometheus — maybe they are the ancestors of humanity.

Here I thought their Superman already was an Elseworld version.

The vocal number people upset about how race played such a big part in Luke Cage must not understand that being an African American man put in jail for a crime he didn’t commit and then being a fugitive is so loaded with racial overtones, it’s a central part of Luke’s story. Personally I loved every second of it, and

Yes, yes you do. Best season so far.

I knew Ghost Rider was coming back to AoS, but when I saw Robbie stepped out of the gate, my reaction was totally like this:


It started with The Dark Knight Returns, but over the years there’s become a clear and highly profitable sub-genre of DC Comics for people who simply love to hate Superman. Usually when people don’t like a character they simply don’t read him, but with Superman it seems his very existence irks them and they want to