
I’m right there with you.

I enjoy watching depressing commentary on the state of our society, religious or otherwise. Cf: Breaking Bad, Orphan Black, The Americans, Preacher, The Walking Dead, Person of Interest, and any number of other shows.

Yep. This is the kind of crap that gives the naysayers a chance to nay say.

Since actual evidence doesn’t seem to be doing the trick, the right kind of anecdotal evidence might.

I’m honestly hoping that as Zack Snyder gets pushed further and further out of the DC Movieverse (which I think is what is happening) they get away from the hyper-aggro Frank Miller versions of these characters. I mean, I like Miller’s stuff as far as it goes, which isn’t very far. That’s why they keep his books in

I kinda got the impression at the end of AoU that Hulk was retaining more and more of Banner’s personality and intellect. A mindless rage monster couldn’t operate the autopilot controls on a Quinjet, or calmly switch off the comms system.

Yeah, but we need a slightly more coherent and verbose Hulk.

I just hope, they never, ever will get back together

Stephen Amell teases Olicity’s future in the next season

There is a racial element when you look at Facebook and see endless racial and ethnic slurs left there. But this actual true thing - about a well to do white kid - stands?

When it’s a racial issue, race tends to be mentioned. Sorry if that bugs you.

Yeah, racial issues wouldn’t exist if those who are negatively affected by white supremacy would just shut up about it, right? And to compare what kinds of racist, misogynistic, and homophobic things FB regularly tolerates to their deleting a true statement about an actual convicted rapist is just sooo inappropriate,

No reason why they can’t, but there will be inevitable crossovers with the Arrow verse, and the obvious question will be why Superman looks like the Atom’s twin.

It’s not like they couldn’t explain it away somehow.

Yaknow, for all the shit people gave Smallville, Welling grew terrifically into that role. I'd love to see him back frankly.

No way they can just offer it to Brandon Routh, can they?


No, Finn. I am your father.

But wasn’t Arya able to peel a jaqen face off Jaqen, then underneath were several other faces, including Arya’s? The mechanics of faceless man cosplaying are confusing.

I posted this elsewhere but will copy

If you'd read the comic, you'd know why she dresses that way. She actually has a choice in wardrobe now. And one of the writers (and the one who draws the covers) is a woman. So cool it.