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    It’s disappointing that their Android version has been in limbo for more than two years. Looks like there’s still a job opportunity for an Senior Android / Mobile Engineer.

    What the ... ?

    Squeezing a lime on a sharp knife over a glass bottle is a great way to win a Darwin award.

    I wish people would stop making up these combo words.

    [deleted] just some copy editing stuff!

    This is probably the only valid argument for repeats.

    "dryer sheets site:lifehacker.com"

    "Can't repeat the past?" "Why of course you can!"

    My hairstylist has never used a curling iron on me, so when I tried doing it myself, I went for the flat iron. It's a MUCH better curl, and totally agree with craycrayfish about curling irons being relatively scary when you're half asleep.

    Don't use tea tree oil; it smells so bad that it should be renamed "people repellent."

    Sorry, it seems that Google has removed the original setting to only show certain people in the list. Once you Hangout with people, they will start populating the top of your list and the others will disappear.

    Some of us are making money writing articles (including the Lifehacker writer who re-posted this).

    The recipe included in this post looks like it is from a reader of their Web site... not the site's actual recipe. The video doesn't use white sugar.

    Disagree. They definitely aren't $1 and they taste like butter cookies with sugar crystals (on some of them... aka the best ones shaped like pretzels).

    I posted this recently on my FB to my family, friends, and readers:

    For cat owners:

    Your schedule sounds like mine! Separated at birth? lol

    Clearly we have very different definitions of "night owls." Get up around 8-10am, or wind down for sleep around 11pm? Way too early on both ends of the clock.

    He spelled it wrong as BAREtender. Thatsthejoke.jpg