
MylesMcNutt can you point to any comparably-sized comment sections in other Kinja sites? By which I mean, articles that consistently generate > 3000 comments?

Winter is coming!

Did Overwatch release Game of Throne skins?!?!?!?!

People are grieving. Even if the content transition to Kinja is seamless, the functionality of Kinja comments has exactly the wrong feature set to maintain a community of this depth. It is, in fact, the end of an era.

Not everyone is plunged deep into the steamy bowels of reddit.

Technically, Tyrion floated it, Danaerys didn't object, and Randyll said "you have no authority to do that" (I thinkā€¦ I may be misremembering.)

Ugh. That is actually a good argument against Jaime doing the deed. What a horrific thought.

Please? For the sake of the rest of us?

That cant possibly be what they are planning to launch.

Huh! Sounds like you have some insight I am lacking. It is possible that the goal would be to present it to the maesters at Oldtown instead of any of the rulers of Westeros, since they are the intellectual authority. But who knows.

Yeah that is weird.

Bronn is someone who might be able to defeat the Frankenmountain. That would be worth seeing.

I think it is an image of the Dragonglass the children shoved in his heart to create him. Funny he found someone to have that made.

We'll know that's true once he starts dating Danaerys in the last book.

Ugh. Thanks for the heads-up.

Imagine being the guy running the tracking site for this series. It's been a struggle but overall I think people are having fun.

I think the death cult has their complicated system of rules for a reason. Teach someone to be a hammer, and everything becomes a nail. We've already seen that with Arya. She is good at what she does, and what she does is killing. Not subtle politicking. That is Sansa's job.

IMHO the "Prophecies For Profit" are usually more jokey. Unless they actually seem reasonable (not common), people put money on the option they think is funniest.

Given this thread, I am definitely coming around to your point of view. I am far too trusting.

My assumption is that to have a claim, he'd have to be legitimized. Since there is no higher power to legitimize him, he is basically stuck a blacksmithing bastard. But I'm hardly the preeminent legal authority in Westeros.