If they remove it, they're will be an ethernet thunderbolt adapter guaranteed.
If they remove it, they're will be an ethernet thunderbolt adapter guaranteed.
I replaced my optical with a second harddrive. For the two times each year I need it, it's really not a problem to get out my usb powered external drive. Having an SSD and a traditonal large capacity HDD is so worth it, only downside is added weight.
Cue police confrontations being live streamed to facebook.
I remember when people complained about the Wall when the switched it to show new posts first this is like 2005 facebok. People were pissed even though it made complete sense.
Razor makes a very good Xbox Controller, and Logitech made great wireless controllers in the PS2/Xbox era but other than that they're all crap.
That's why Mario Party 2 is my preferred game of the series.
Ummm...they stick right out. I am colorblind though and I'm immune to certain types of camouflage. Iguanas can suck it!
Yea my first thought was he's needs a cooler code word for that one.
NYers have always had sales tax. Still cheaper than most other sites, especially with Prime.
Sumac has to be the worst simply because of the warts and boils it gives you.
I thought it was hilarious and somewhat insightful, especially the jab about Obama being the best at winning but probably not best for the job.
MGS4. Never start playing that game when it's late.
I think people have started to realize after this whole HD phenomenon, that resolution isn't everything. A DVD at 480p will still look better significantly better than a 720p stream from a website because at the end of the day it's mostly about bitrate, not resolution.
You can always add an IR receiver to your Alienware but I'm not sure if that has the ability to start/shutdown the computer as I've never used one.
If you're lucky, Most air conditioners are RF so you don't need a direct line of sight.
Not true. The software works for mac and the remote can control macs just like an Apple remote can.
vote: logitech harmony one
In the 'Mail' app, go to Preferences->Genereal->Default Email Reader. You change the default app inside the mail app itself of all things not system preferences but it still works.
So they can justify a price bump when the limit is raised to 4GB. Can't do that when data is unlimited.
Just make a toaster that doesn't have aiming for the perfect spot where I can grab the toast and not get burned on the metal, like I'm playing a game of operation every morning. Dammit toaster! Why don't you spring bread higher!