
I have to disagree with the worst list.

My Aunt (we were very close, not a distant aunt or anything) pulled a fast one on me one time when I was about 13yrs old. She gave me a sob story about how bad a year it was, etc and all, and she couldn't afford much. So she gave me a small present that ended up being a pack of darts. Also she had thoughtfully made


I gave my Aunt her first computer, an old Mac Mini. The thing that made it bearable for both of us is the screen sharing feature in iChat. She can easily give me control and I can troubleshoot any issues, and show her how to do whatever she needs.

@kapwinnnng001: Dish is much more willing to deal. My Parents have DirecTV, and have been with them for over a decade, but when they wanted a new receiver, the best they could get was HD, no DVR. WTF?

@Platypus Man: The charter DVR is pretty horrible too. Instead of paying for their DVR I got a refurbed Tivo Premiere and I've been very happy with that. I can't understand why more cable companies don't leverage Tivo hardware, because compared to their shitty DVRs the Tivos are miles beyond.

@TheFu: ts is cool, I hadn't used that before.

@CamJN: I always suggest learning vi first (if you plan on doing lots of Linux/Unix work). I've been on plenty of Unix/Linux systems without emacs or nano, but I've never been on one that didn't have vi installed.

@crazypills77: I don't think there are any killer apps that you can't get on OSX (and they're probably already there). The biggest benefit of Linux is having a Unix shell, awesome GNU command line tools and very handy programming languages at your finger tips. All of that is there on your Mac.

@OMG! Bacon!: My point is that the announcement of the man being cured of AIDs only happened a couple of days ago. Regardless of who won it, it's probably been in the works for a few weeks.

@FrankN.Stein: According to the chart there, it actually does ;-)

@whatne1wuddo: +1 for MediaLink, it's a good solution.

I've always wanted headers on my heater.

Soooo, everyone is pretty pissed that it's Zuckerburg. Who should it be if not him?

@theose is nominal: They didn't announce it until a week ago though. probably too late to get in on the PotY voting.

@insaneidiot: It doesn't work in Firefox, but I tried it in Safari, Adium, Textmate and Terminal and it worked in all of those.

I use "Extended Controls" to do this, great app.

The source article rocks...there were a couple shortcuts I didn't know, but ctrl-cmd-d to pull up a dictionary reference for a word you're hovering = awesome.

@charliebronson: The biggest benefit of Words with Friends is the number of users. I know a few people that play WwF on iPhone, but I don't have any other Android owners I know that like Scrabble.

Android has never felt more alive than it does on the Nexus S. It's fast. It's cocksure. It's, well, really good.