
@Riley Hornbeams: You can say alot of things about Apple, but OS X 10.6 is hardly a poor operating system.

@James Marino: is there such a thing as bad thigh-on-crotch action??? (ok, maybe that Rottweiler)

@PS1: I would recommend that you try Borderlands then...different classes, RPG elements & loot galore...Plus it's good for single player, split-screen or online 4-player co-op.

@Falkun: I have to agree with the article though. My original PS3 controllers from 2008 are still going strong and not having to hassle with batteries is a very nice feature in my opinion. The hold a charge very well, so I rarely have to charge them.

@appletoad: no crap...people read Giz at work...thanks a bunch asshole.

@EADG: Thanks, I made it up myself.

If I was one of these people I'd be pissed. This movie wasn't worth a $5 rental, much less $2500.

See, THIS is exactly who the iPad was created for. Sometimes unitasking is your friend.

@erichg14: I used to do unix phone support and normally customers were sysadmins who knew what they were doing, but every once in a while you would get the windows guy or random person that took over the Unix systems because their sysadmins left.

@Thangka: I live my life by one simple rule: WWTSD?

@tandyman: controller != kitten...this dude took it to a whole different level.

@terrodactyl refuses to shave: Exactly. Next thing you know people will hunt down people for tea bagging them in CS........oooohhhh. Yep, the apocalypse is officially here.

I think Kevin Butler is the best fictional employee-spokesman since Terry Tate, Office Linebacker.

I really want to love RDR, but the bugs are so frustrating. I keep reading about small bugs in reviews, but I run into lots of what I would consider major bugs. Like no "use" option showing up so I can loot bodies or get back on my horse, so I have to reload from the last save, etc. Oh, and fuck mountain lions. I

VPS hosting is the way to go...That way I keep a full linux install that I have full control over for about $20 a month and I don't miss the headaches of having a bunch of machines running in my home office all the time.