
Yeah, I think editorial or artsy makeup is interesting, but what they are doing is basically making a bratz doll face come-to-life as everyday makeup.

FYI, Zamora posted his own apology video and has since gained back a ton of subscribers. I couldn’t watch more that 10 seconds of Lee’s “apology”, and I’m frankly surprised that she continues to leave it up. Zamora’s 50 minute long apology video not only displays what appears to be genuine remorse, but also spills a

It’s like Kabuki Feminity. It’s such hyper feminity it’s become a parody of feminity. I like extreme makeup - such as Bowie’s Aladdin Sane/Ziggy Stardust type looks - but these look as though they were done by people who either hate women or who have no idea what one looks like. 

Yancey Thigpen. Holy shit. Talk about “let’s remember some guys.”

Gruden would make the Raiders play a full 16 game pre-season

My hot preseason take is that NFL preseason should be 100% open scheduling. Teams decide who they play and how many games they play, with no minimum or maximum. If the Superbowl champs want to skip it entirely, they can. If the Browns want to play 8 preseason games and can find enough teams willing to play them in

How about Jerry Rice’s obvious fumble that wasn’t called in 98? That single play brought instant replay back.

I recorded this game and I’ve watched the last quarter and this play more times than is probably healthy. That was a catch. I give no fucks about the rule book. That was a catch. So was Calvin Johnson’s.

Given his love of Hochuli, I can’t see Kavanaugh closing the gun show loophole anytime soon.

She’ll be suspended for 3 meets.

I’m all in favor of supporting local print media, especially these long standing institutions, as they represent the front lines in fighting against this current assault on our Republic. Quality journalism is important and someone doesn’t have to be a journalist to say so.

I would love to splice some Papa blogs

This is nothing new. There’s been a fortune spent by these Chambers, conservative think tanks and the wealthy donors who fund them to dumb down the public; to conflate the word “union” with the words “dues” and “thug” since the 1980s. The same forces have killed civics courses in public schools. Here are the results:

Unlike the Browns OL Coach, I can see you’re a huge fan of stretching.

20-25 percent of NFL players are able to come back

Did someone say, “blowout” and “jets”?!

I know this will be shocking to you, but some of us went to A&M and managed to not get all that caught up in the “A&M-ness” of the place. I managed to go to 90% of home football games, was even stupid enough to camp out in front of G. Rollie for A&M-UT football tickets, and I’ve probably been a “former student” for

OK, sure, he’s a psychopath who made an unpaid employee sprint over a mile on a broken foot, but then again,

I’m an A&M alum, so I might be biased. But they should come down as hard as possible on this kind of “coaching.” I don’t care if the program gets pushed back to the Stone Age. This gets young men injured and killed. Zero tolerance. Common human decency should outweigh money and winning.

“This is gonna get worse. You ain’t seen shit.”