
Quick note, when babies are born needing extra assistance they go to the NICU.

Depends where you are giving birth! I’m a birth doula in Portland, Oregon and clients are allowed to eat throughout labor (though the desire to do so fades as things progress). If you have an epidural however, you are put on a diet of clear liquids.

Thank you!! Recommend doulas to your friends! Everyone should have one 💕

How far did you get in the series?

While plenty were written as being beautiful, most are also extremely capable of kicking ass, or eventually get there. Ygritte, Cersei, Dany, Catelyn, Margaery, etc. Even Sansa who begins the series as close to a medieval Sweet Valley Twin as you can get has a character arc that leaves her far less helpless than she

Orrrrrr maybe he dies because there is some kind of battle going on and people are fighting and someone is about to kill Sansa. Littlefinger throws himself at the assailant, he and the assailant both go over a parapet or cliff or something, and he saves Sansa but dies doing so.

My favorite Netflix binges have been Father Brown (delightfully charming murder mysteries), Offspring (Australian obstetrician and her fantastically wacky family), and Master of None (Aziz Ansari! And he loves pasta!). If you like the murder mysteries, I also highly recommend Midsomer Murders, Agatha Christie’s

I have to politely disagree. In reading the books (which I enjoyed immensely) I thought Mr. Martin had a particular talent for writing different perspectives, both male and female.


They make me gag in such a particular way. I swear, I threw up in my mouth a little when a friend from grade school made a special Facebook photo album of her engagement photos, complete with lookit-my-engagement-ring-LOOKIT photo at Snow White’s goddamn wishing well at motherfucking Disneyland. BarfoRAMA.

Humans were responsible for all the Pearl Harboring. The animals killed in or as a result of war are innocent bystanders.

YES I cannot wait. This looks fanfuckingtastic.

What kind of a cat is Wasabi?? Such a cutie patootie.

The birthweight, the gender, how much weight you may have gained, touching your belly, it’s amazing how many boundaries vanish simply because you happen to be pregnant. And some people may be a Charlotte and want desperately to wax poetic about the nursery, but some are Mirandas and would much rather discuss the

1) My friends have a tiny, angry chihuahua with a permanent sneer named Sir.

Yay for batshit empaths!!

Saw his interview on CBS This Morning and the hosts were appalled. They did their best to bring it back to friendly and chatty, but full on cut him off in the first half and went to commercial.

Sounds like the previous tenant was ready to go has moved on well and good.

Ehhhhh was Corinne ever painted as a sexy drunk trollop? Yes I know the producers have a huge hand in how the participants in the show are portrayed, but Corinne fuckin took that label and ran with it.

I don’t fucking understand. If anything, the dash cam video shows that the officer was absolutely overreacting. How the fuck was this guy acquitted??