
You keep putting things really well. I do want to give them credit for improving the headline, but as you say the content itself is extremely problematic. I am sometimes confused by Jezebel.

I thought it was. But I do think that the fact Jessica has listened to the criticism and replaced the headline indicates that this was an unfortunate accident of phrasing, rather than a deliberate attempt to mislead.

I can't promote comments, so I'm replying to this in the hope it makes it out of the grey.

You've put this really well.

Your own headline is even more misleading and deliberately click-baiting than the original xojane headline. Your headline implies that the xojane headline lied about a woman being raped at Disneyworld. That is, that the whole story is a lie — the rape and the location.

I don't think we should work for big profitable corporations for free, but I do think working to help out friends, loved ones, or colleagues within our own industries from time to time is fine.

I guess I've just reached the point where I'm over it with Jez. No matter how valid or invalid the criticism around the this show/actors is, it now leaves an incredibly bad taste in my mouth.

If Jezebel hadn't spent months during the first season of Girls hating on Lena Dunham and the cast at every possible opportunity, resembling nothing so much as a jealous high school mean girl, this might have some credibility. As it is it's just more of the same. Lena's apparently moved to the 'Women we like' list,

This just feels like yet another attempt to monetize fanfic by people who don't get it.

Me too!!!! Yay NZ <3<3<3

We've just got Carl's Jr in NZ.

thank you!!!

I think the tag structure (with root tags) looks interesting, but I cannot figure out how to do it in my own account - and I've never seen it done anywhere else. Can anyone point me to a tutorial for this?