
I don’t think that is the case, at least from a C-130 dropping retardant.  We carry 3000 gallons and can drop the full load on the heaviest coverage level (8) in about 6-10 seconds over a quarter mile.  Coverage level 8 is 8 gallons on a 10'x10' square.  Coverage level 6 would be 6 gallons.  Not enough to hurt you

You are all wrong. How about a B8 Audi S4?

Where to start? How about five months into the driving career of a newly minted 16 year old driver. This was 1990, and I was the proud owner of a 1979 Toyota Corrola coupe. Me and my evil twin were out tooling around, and I was a fan of rally. There was one dirt road in the town of Hudson. Spear Road. It was

A Volvo Polestar V60 wagon.

I busted up an old cast iron coal furnace and took it to the recycler in the back of my Mazda 323 hatchback. Once load was just under a thousand pounds and the second was about four hundred pounds. The suspension was on the stops and the tires were pancaked. Good times!