I was just reading about you.
I was just reading about you.
The Colour Out Of Space - H.P. Lovecraft
The Colour Out Of Space - H.P. Lovecraft
I remember reading in Live From New York It's Saturday Night, Alec Baldwin talk about hosting and being in a sketch with Phil Hartman. I believe Phil turns to him and says, "Take me with you." I think Baldwin said it was the one time he broke on SNL. Does anyone here know what season and episode that is from?
I remember reading in Live From New York It's Saturday Night, Alec Baldwin talk about hosting and being in a sketch with Phil Hartman. I believe Phil turns to him and says, "Take me with you." I think Baldwin said it was the one time he broke on SNL. Does anyone here know what season and episode that is from?
"You would know about leaving crumbs, asshole." - Maid.
Cast Away is the closest adaptation of I Am Legend we will ever get.
He does realize he can breath through his nose right?
It's videos like this that highlight the importance of our conversation.
I heard he stole that personality from the original down to earth, approachable person, in the 1980s.
The Lizard needs a snout. Right now he looks like an alien-human hybrid from Signs.
Musical artists take note, sing the song live exactly how it sounds on the record. That's what we fell in love with, that's what we want to hear.
I can't think of any football movie or tv show that portrays football in a realistic way. Especially high school football. The main characters are usually doing shit (ex: talking to some girl on the sidelines with their helmet off, calling their own plays in the huddle) that would send them to wind-sprint hell.
Contagion is how I picture World War Z as a film.
[Dog putting paws over eyes reaction shot]
I enjoy her music, but I'm worried about a more cynical persons opinion on it. Plus, I think that cynical person is really cool.
If an alien were to watch ESPN, they would conclude that there are only two teams in MLB. Yankees, Red Sox.
As for the wife staring at the door, I assumed that the husband was just projecting his own thoughts on to the zombie wife. Unless they stated otherwise, I'm too lazy to check.
Comedy in every 3D animated film not from Pixar. Crazy character says something, awkward silence, strange look from protagonist. Repeat. Cash checks.
I wonder if he did the music for the trailer of Escape From New York. That shit is tight.