
You know what’s *not* fun? Having a relative who almost died piloting a plane, which turned him into a huge bible-thumping Jesus freak. It’s impossible to sit near him at family functions without getting a 45 minute lecture on scripture.

Fine, but that doesn’t make NY’s AG a republican.

No. Scheiderman, the NY AG, is a Democrat. I believe you’re thinking of Geoffrey Berman, the acting US Attorney in the SDNY, who is a Republican and a Trump fan.

Now playing

Thank you for reminding me of this genius work.

From your lips to Terri Schiavo’s ears.

So we’re judging Tiff based on the actions of her mom? K....

Water is wet, the sky is blue, Trump’s pick for [literally any and every position] is a conspiracy-minded Islamophobe.

I just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ You know why? Because we’re so stupid. … And I thought they were smart.

Which is somehow warmer?

I’m not a doctor (I’m a lawyer actually), but a good doctor probably wouldn’t give specialized medical advice at a dinner party either.

Yes, but exceptions can be written into age of consent laws that take into account a short (e.g., 3-5 year) age gap between the older and younger parties. I believe they’re called Romeo and Juliet laws.

This has nothing to do with the NYC subway system.

The guy who gave Charlotte crabs, obviously.

It’s still kind of a BS meme, until we have armed guards who can read minds or have x-ray augmented vision.

And without collapsing the souffle.

Not true. Brady’s death was classified as a homicide because it occurred as a result of the shooting (even though he didn’t die until 2014).

Eh, Barry was much better.

I would also add that the effects of the Electoral College discourage many people from voting, especially those who live in very red or very blue states. (“I live in MA/NY/CA - we’re going to vote for the Dem regardless of whether I show up.”)

It’s the whole point of the article.