That still doesn’t explain why someone can’t retrieve their winnings under a newly-created private trust simply because they signed the ticket with their own name.
That still doesn’t explain why someone can’t retrieve their winnings under a newly-created private trust simply because they signed the ticket with their own name.
K, but that doesn’t address my second point - wouldn’t the ability to sign a lottery ticket under the name of a private trust obviate the corruption-fighting benefits of public disclosure?
Why do they need to publish names in the media to fight corruption? The lottery can certainly verify information without making it public. Also, if you can set up a private trust before you sign your ticket, you should be able to do so afterwards.
Bomb cyclones and cold weather aren’t a problem if you start small with your resolutions - say, bathing regularly and wiping properly.
My husband and I did this too - a year ago, we bought an elliptical machine for our home. We have small kids and both work full time, so it was the only realistic way we could exercise regularly. It wasn’t cheap, but we’ve definitely found it to be more effective than a gym membership we wouldn’t have time to use. At…
I wholeheartedly agree, but the flu shot you (should have) received in the fall should protect your newborn after s/he’s born.
Whelp, won’t be watching this show. I despise a bad Boston accent; it’s a deal-breaker for me.
I think you’re getting Southie confused with the South End. While Southie is certainly gentrifying, it’s still not one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Boston (and isn’t nearly as expensive and upscale as the South End).
Well, there are many organizations that actually challenge these lies. The problem is that these facts will never reach a large portion of the population whose exclusive source of “news” is Fox News.
I mean, members of Trump’s own administration have said worse about him.
Reminds me of this:
A 2yo is required to have his/her own seat.
I’m with you. My eyes almost rolled out of my head at the “Can I have a few more minutes?” request. Seriously, lady?
No. I think he could be “bleeding out of his wherever” and still wouldn’t step down.
Fair enough, but I’ll point out that the first comment (i.e., the only one that garnered a lot of support) says nothing about the letter from the other SNL members. Instead it simply provides an opinion based on the allegations against him that were known at that time.
I do think he should resign, but I totally agree that we are getting very close to pitchfork territory here. I’m especially concerned that Rs will use this as one more issue to divide Dems, whereas they’re happy to fall in line behind a literal child molester.
I agree with your first and third sentences, but your second sentence is really pushing it. In all of these cases (Moore, Trump, Franken), there were numerous allegations by multiple people that hold up to scrutiny.
Resigning is the right move. An ethics investigation on Franken will only drag the issue out further. This way, he’s gone and MN’s Dem governor can appoint a successor.