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    Kinda self-referential to mention the Jeep 4x4 while they're advertising another Jeep, huh?

    @Hot_Carl: We used to have a set of those blue plates, I'd love to dig them up somewhere in our basement.

    Was it powered by the Bistromathic Drive?

    Hey, those MREs retail for a good chunk of change. You could fund your next couple junkyard projects with that.

    The thing is, however, the Chinese don't really know how to be racist against black (and Jamaican) people, because they hardly know what they're like. They obviously haven't had a long, torturous journey with slavery as America, so they're less inclined to be so touchy-feely about how to react to common stereotypes.

    Ever get wheelspin in one of these?

    I'm eating a hamburger as we speak. Well, not eating it technically as having the trans-fats injected into my arm via an IV drip, because, you know, this is America.

    This is officially the creepiest Jalopnik comment thread ever.

    RIP, Mr. Frey. What an icon and a timeless shape that you created.

    Dear God, the NSU! The frumpy styling of the Triumph, the parts network of the Glas, the unreliability and obscurity of the other cars, and the hilarity of a rotary that hasn't benefited from 30 years of precise Japanese development!

    From a distance there, the Lenin pin kind of looks like the KFC logo.

    Just bought it. If I ever meet any of you people in real life, there's a slightly greater chance that it could be more awkward than usual.

    Not pictured: Courtney Cox, having a "crisis."

    @zeeboid: Note: results may vary.

    @Straight6er: He's not winking, he just walked into a window.