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    I want to play Forza 3 just so I can build a 400hp track-killing Aveo sleeper.

    Once again, I can foresee nothing going wrong with this.

    Worst. Busker. Ever.

    @LionZoo: That's because they're damn COMMIES! Those pinko Commie bastards with their mobile execution vans and free/50% off Tibet and roaming death squads with their AK-47s, ready to shoot bloggers in the face at a moment's notice!

    Oh great, it's the Chinese that are the bad guys now. Well, we gotta do something now that Yugoslavia went kaput.

    @mytdawg: Mad tite JDM zip-ties, yo!

    Wow. I'm Chinese and I just got out-Chinesed by a guy named Scaramanga.

    @GtAkReYz: Since when did "Donnie Darko" count as a doomsday film? Or am I not enlightened enough to extract the subtle nuances of the diegesis?

    I can foresee nothing going wrong with this plan.

    @skaycog: I don't get it, but anytime I see Mao do his best Bobby Lee from MadTV impression I smile a little inside.

    I thought this was their entry-level vehicle?

    Am I the only one here that doesn't think it looks like anything else? Seems like some people are comparing it to the 370Z/GTR/RX-8/whatever merely because they're all Japanese sports cars. So what?

    @Mobius: Is that why you cry after sex? ;)

    @AnielaBattus: The cops who will drive this are well-versed in the art of gentlemanly duels.