There has definitely been a crack pipe inside this car.
What I would like to know is how would the property owner deal with a situation involving a car that was cosmetically damaged, but, for which repairs were delayed due to something outside of the vehicle owners control like waiting for insurance liability to be determined, a pending lawsuit or legal proceedings, or,…
Paul, I don’t have many connections up in your immediate area, but, I’m going to making some calls tomorrow morning to a few friends that know other friends.
There is obviously a lot of very bad (if not non-existent) planning and decision making that went into this guy being in the position he’s in now, as in no drivers license, no real plan of how to support himself (not to even go into the girlfriend issue), no end-goal beyond “not wanting a 9-5 lifestyle”, and, most…
You could “buy” a 2001 Oldsmobile Alero for ZERO dollars and you would still be getting price gouged.
David, I spent a great deal of time living in Germany also and I know the TuV very well. But, it is incorrect to say that because of the TuV inspections that mechanical failures don’t happen in Germany, as I saw several catastrophic failures resulting in very serious accidents during my years there. They are…
There are no fenders on the rear of a car, Raphael. Those things on the back of a vehicle are called quarter panels.
My fully American wife has been a serial “emmission cheater” for thirty years now. Despite her vociferous denials, she has, singlehandedly, caused more damage to the ozone layer and climate change than VAG could ever be held responsible for in a court of law - even with cheating on tests. Word to the wise, don’t just…
My brother and I donated a well worn 1996 Chevy S-10 to our local NPR station that same day, I can only imagine T&T seeing that truck and hearing what they would say about it - covered in moss, oak leaves and a near dead starter that required a blow from Thor’s hammer to get running.
If my wife had an ass that looked like the end of that car, I’d drive her into a ditch.
Obviously the pavement WAS wet. She had her windshield wipers turned on. Duh.
I might be a little late to this thread to get to the top, but, as someone who is actively involved in locating, managing, maintaining and restoring very special cars for a lot of veterans in the Fort Bragg, NC area, please...please...please...don’t fall for the “wheels for wounded” scams that are everywhere in this…
I’d suggest doing preliminary test run in a strip-mall parking lot, preferably one having both a DMV Office and a mobility scooter store.
Torch, I know my comments will be buried in the hundreds of other comments but I feel compelled to respond anyhow.
The teams already have strategy in place to run for P13-18 during the last segment to avoid the mandatory stop. They care less about a segment victory than an overall win.
My humble head is bowed in deference to the Great Leader, Oppo.
“All puns aside, North Korea Gawker is horrible, where people are sent off to gulags the unemployment lines for the slightest offense and millions dozens have starved to death gone on to better things.”