
I’m hoping that Disney’s shift to more 3rd party licensing leads to either a) a collaboration with Telltale Games or b) a party-based western rpg by either Bioware or Obsidian. A fan can dream right?

If this was the best possible timeline, we would already have a Western style party-based CRPG based on a shared Disney universe, ideally made by Obsidian or Bioware, but alas...

Watch it be the resting place of some vengeful Mayan death god in which case, thanks kid, you’ve doomed us all...

This is quite possibly the whitest thing I have ever read...

There’s a “The cheese stands alone...” joke in here somewhere, alas, someone funnier than I will probably make it...

Other than CoD’s party system, are there any other franchises right now that do split-screen online multiplayer? I’m trying to find a multi game to play with the Mrs. but she’s not a huge CoD fan.

another one to of right now, XCOM 2 is 20 dollars off for physical copy on Amazon

another one to of right now, XCOM 2 is 20 dollars off for physical copy on Amazon


SHC is a clumsy acronym for a unit of measurement. I propose we change it to “Faheys”...Sort of like Pascals...

How do you not know how to poach an egg? Seriously, it’s like Eggs 101...

*Opens V.A.T.S*

Going to try to get back into Elder Scrolls Online now that IC, Orsinium, and Thieves Guild are live. Bought it launch day for PS4 but for some reason it didn't grab me. Maybe it was because I played a resto staff healer (snore)...

Forget that, watching these makes me pine for a Saturday morning cartoon series based on Overwatch animated in the same style...

Spoiler alert: Nobody’s guilty because all crimes are Obama’s fault...also, something something punk-ass thuggery...

If you would please take a seat on the casting couch...

I think you are looking for something that is not there. If anything, this movie directly skewers our nation’s current obsession with anti-intellectualism. When people say “Idiocracy is becoming a documentary,” they are referring to things such as this:

More importantly, who the funk & wagnalls are the 6% that said only on mobile? You are what’s wrong with modern gaming...

Somebody please make me a gif of Ted Cruz’s face on Kermit the Frog doing the Kermit flail...

The Secret World (a game ahead of its time and a world worthy of revisit) had a system where stats were connected to non-cosmetics. This is such a flexible and sensible system I do not understand how it has not become the standard.

In other news, water is still wet...