
For all those panicking this means McCabe can now be a witness. However like people have been saying Mueller alone cannot save this democracy. This November people have to vote like their lives and democracy depends on it, because it fucking does. For all you who said there was no difference between Hillary and Trump

The worst city in the country. There isn’t even a close second.

Nothing changed after Sandy Hook. Lawmakers looked at a bunch of child-size body bags and decided the NRA money was too good to mess with. If a pile of dead children can’t motivate people to do the right thing, nothing will change.

If providers are allowed to gouge the shit out of consumers, it will bring new providers out to jump on the bandwagon.

“customers could still opt to simply not have Internet access”

Let’s break this down into it’s component parts.

the internet was very different (and much less mainstream) pre-net neutrality. we have a lot more to lose now

These companies have been making “just fine” amounts of money under the current structure. I do not feel bad for Comcast, Time Warner, etc...

I’m not faulting the police response time to the shooting because it’s clear Paddock planned it carefully so he would very hard to locate and I think they did the best job they could. But Trump gushing that their quick response saved it from being a lot worse is total bullshit.

Please let Scott Pruit be next.

The problem with people like that is they vote.

Why do you feel the need to rock his tiny boat? If he’s that deep into his dogma, chances are slim that he’ll change his mind on anything. Have a nice retirement party for him and let him drift away in the embrace of his sweet Jeebus.

Judge: “Sgt. Barnes, what justification do you offer for why you shot and killed a deaf man with developmental disabilities who was carrying a metal walking stick?”

Go up to man with stick. Claim you’re scared of stick. Kill man. Enjoy paid vacation. Claim murdered man was “no angel”. Collect extra overtime quelling the protests after you’re cleared of any wrong doing.

The only person with crappier runs in Colorado this past weekend was Ezekiel Elliott.

I think there’s some of that, but what seems to make the most sense to me is her general lack of prospects. (This is true for most in the administration, esp. on the non-cabinet WH staff side)

If you look at SHS’s profile, much of what she’s done before now was working state-level political “consulting” gigs in

Because to Trump and therefore to the White House, someone saying something mean about Trump is far more important than any of those issues.

If two cops can’t fend off a woman with a knife without killing her, you (a) probably shouldn’t be a cop, or (b) whoever trained you shouldn’t train cops (and also - you shouldn’t be a cop).

Body cams that can be turned off by the wearer are pretty fucking pointless.

Now I want pizza. Thanks Alan.