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    The GQP clown circus will never even agree on who to focus their BS investigations on - at this rate Dems will win control of both chambers in 2 years - and please let the bloated orange traitor run as a 3rd party candidate - then Biden could lose the ability to walk & talk and still cruise to reelection ..

    Currently, CTE can only be diagnosed after death through brain tissue analysis - but it really can’t hurt Walker’s ability to reason” if they do the test on him now.

    MAGA-loons are domestic terrorists and the bloated orange blob is their spiritual leader.  Together they constitute the largest threat to national security this nation has ever faced.

    Simple solution - have your cat watch dog videos often - then they’ll just pee on the kitchen floor - destroy shoes & pillows and rip the window treatments down .. 

    The Bird is a Turd ..

    Fascism is a helluva thing - a sick, twisted ideology that inspires the sickest of minds to lash out with murderous intent - and anyone can be a target.

    Con-Yay say;

    reminds me of an old Clint Eastwood film - think it was “Pink Cadillac” - where a flasher wearing only a trench coat opens it up for Bernadette Peters to see - flasher says with a grin; so what do ya thing huh ?” - she glances down and says dryly;  looks like a penis - only smaller” - and flasher skulks away looking

    its funny (in that not really humorous sort of way) - how many bible passages tend to be VERY open to interpretation - esp. considering the multiple translations from ancient - now practically obsolete languages - into modern ones - but esp. the new testament (which is THE Jesus book) - is really quite vague on the

    and besides the fatalities - there are plenty who are just beaten senseless - or permanently maimed - and then they’re at an even greater disadvantage for getting & holding jobs etc. - that cycle of intimidation and violence perpetrated by the angry white thug mobs has been active in the U.S. not just for decades -

    “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for ..”

    .. then triple down - then file frivolous law suits for defamation - then hold rallies for the faithful where AR-15's are given away in a raffle etc ..

    Yes - many different types of laws vary by state.

    Calories are all the same - whether you eat them all in one night - or over a 2 week period.

    yes, in places like NC - some folks get upset enough to demand that ones like Greene actually get fired for saying the quiet things out loud .. 

    Wasn’t Republican Jesus superceded by Cheeto Jesus a few years back ? 

    Many celebrated rock guitar players say they learned mostly by listening to the records of their heroes and copying the licks until they had them down - but at some point they had to develop their own style & sound.

    reminds me of a great quote made by Jack Nicholson - though it had nothing to do with skin color - just critics ..

    Her hubs probably didn’t like what was happening below her belt as a result of all the steroids she takes ..

    Men should only ever pee outdoors - much like dogs.