By-Tor's Snow Dog

As a Rush fan, it was hard to lose both Neil and Jerry in the same year, because Jerry was kind enough to record intro videos for the band’s 30th Anniversary tour. “Think they’ll play ‘Bangkok’? Nah, they never play ‘Bangkok’. Hey! Lerxst! Dirk! The Professor! You’re on!” 

Not sure if you’re kidding, but in the book, the cemetery sign is misspelled because it was written by kids. (And in this world, kids don’t have access to dictionaries or spellcheck.)

Sadly, the films budget was a reported $743.

when you suddenly remember you had an article due today and you only have 12 minutes to knock something out

the Scooby-Doo knockoff pet dog

He’s Prince William and Harry’s other brother Hugo, who they keep locked in the attic and feed him fish heads. They finally let him out that day because he loves Star Wars so much.

Starring Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer, Penelope Cruz, Willem Dafoe, Daisy Ridley and a mustache that seats six.

She’s a clown and I’m drowning slowly
In her deadlights and I’m heading no where.

  • Hot Chip - I Feel Better

All that song does for me is remind me of clear Pepsi

Anakin built it, DUH

No, the Bible isn’t to blame, it’s the people who confuse it with their own narrow view of society and politics. Don’t blame Christianity for this, blame the people who THINK they know what Christianity is actually about. I’m a Christian, proud of it. I have never trusted Joel Osteen and his bullshit. This proves I

Steven Wilson: To The Bone. A change of pace aimed toward the pop and rock he grew up with in the 70s and 80s rather than the dark, sometimes weird prog roots that generally rule his music. There are nods to ABBA (“Permanating”) and Prince (“Song of I”) mixed in a mish-mash of stuff that is reminiscent of Peter

Hey! Listen! There is a way to not be shitty!