
So the flood didn't happen? Nothing happened in the world on the 7th anniversary of the departure?

That was some Whedonesque character work and I loved it. Maybe some people will require a clearer answer on what the hotel means, but I'm more than happy with the idea that Kevin has created this world for him to escape the things that were literally suffocating him in his life, and he blew it up with patti's help

Totally. It reminded me of that time the SP kids told Cartman to grow up and he subconsciously started murdering his dolls while also trying to find out who was killing them.

I'm trying to think of a way the finale might go down and keep coming up short. I have no idea what they'll be doing but I'm sure I'll love every minute of it.

I wanted a spinoff!

It's ok, I think we all did? I know I was crying for a whole hour while folding laundry.

Up there with The Body from Buffy

Me too

I just watched it. Been avoiding the episode all week because I just finished 13 reasons why and I was already pretty messed up.
God, this show is so difficult to watch. This must be one of the best hours of TV ever made. Laurie reminded me so much of my mother, who survived a massacre in her village when she was 14 in

She did

That was actually unwatchable

I haven't seen them yet, I'm watching the show with a group of friends so we have to wait till next week. Good to know they're As though!

That and the scene in jail where Bob's head teleports itself, that was horrifying

Aaaaaah I'm in another time zone and literally counting the hours so I can go back home and watch this! So pumped!!!

I wonder if coulson will become like Admiral Adama. I really wanna hear him say "JUMP!"

That was a cool shout out!

Well they decided to call him The Russian because he's Russian

Me too! And next season we'll be in space. I can't wait!

Just saw it, yeah definitely would have worked better as a two parts!
But hey can't complain, Phil Coulson is IN SPACE.

Wait a B minus? I didn't see the episode yet but what happened? Did everyone die or something?