
Renewed! Yes!


I remember, they were one of the reasons I quit the show after a few episodes back when it first aired. Thank God I returned earlier this year.

Any idea when we might be hearing about the news?

They're so so good. I hope they become super stars in the coming years.

FitzSimmons make my heart hurt every week.

She is so awesome! So glad to see her back as the real May.

No mention of Kyle McLaughlin as Mr Perroti on The Good Wife or The Doctor on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D?

Never forget Elizabeth Henstridge!

You know I wasn't such a fan of him in the first season until the hydra reveal, but then the hive arc kinda killed it for me and I just wanted him gone. But now I'm fully on board with him coming back for season 5. Here's hoping there is a season 5!

Free will?

Oh yeah, I member!

I think she's long overdue for some, and some canoodling with Coulson!

This is one of the few shows that only got better with each season. It's amazing, the writers and the actors grew so much over the years and it's paying off tremendously.

And then he's utterly horrified by everything he did in the framework, both scenes were so unsettling!

But have you noticed how that only makes it more heavy?
I don't know how to explain it but with the more serious tone of the previous seasons, I'd have a good cry while watching and then be mostly ok a few hours later, but the last two episodes have been weighing on me more a while after I watch.

Damm that's hardcore. I haven't seen the Handmaid's Tale because just reading about it puts me on the brink of an existential crisis.

Up there with International Assassin and Guest.

I tried to read the book but I'm sad to say that I got bored pretty quickly.

Welcome aboard!
How did you manage though? For the life of me I can't binge this show, hell even the long breaks between the seasons isn't enough to stomach it all.