
Yes! How did I forget that?
Xander and anya constantly attacked by demons and Buffy's face with the engagement ring from spike were gold.

I think it was a great transition/ in between season. Hush, Pangs, Restless and the episode with Katy the roommate from hell are some of my favorites.

Season 4 has some of the best stand alone episodes, but it also has Beer Bad which I think is the worst the show ever did…

I figured :(

I'll comment more I promise! Please don't take down the one space I can discuss this show!

God it's just awful. I can't imagine how hard it must have been to play something that mirrors her recent trauma.

I know I know, it's probably why she came to see Alicia in the first place. She was smoking a cigarette and crying on the beach at the crack of down. She's got Marissa Cooper written all over her.
It's just hopeful thinking while waiting for the other shoe to drop!

I just have one more thing.
Alicia is the third person for the third week in a row to experience some sort of sexual assault. I know these guys didn't do anything but that was terrifying I was afraid she was gonna end up gang raped and beaten up (and after Nate and Christina I thought for a second maybe the show will

So true!
Jay is so alone, and this episode he not only needed to be taken care of but also deserved it. I think it's what he longs to the most, and if this is where things are headed with Ava then bring it on. The actress did a good job in the last scene with him asleep on her lap and her just watching him.

I'm pretty sure Alvey knows where she is since she moved back to her family home? Or am I remembering wrong?

And when she comes back, she is leaving the baby with her… EVIL TWIN

Also, does this mean that the AV Club will no longer be covering this show? Or just that someone else will be doing the reviews from here on out?

Seriously where is Lisa???
I understand that she needs time, but am I the only one thinking that it's a bit douchey of Alvey that he hasn't at least tried to see her?
Also, I would expect that Jay of all people would try to talk to her or visit her. These two have such a great friendship, I just find it strange that

I saw that too! It's a subtle resemblance but it's definitely there.
Though, I feel like at some point Alvey and Alicia are going to become a thing. She's the only one he's been opening up to lately and to be honest I like her around him more than when she's with Ryan.
I also get the feeling that by the end of the

I honestly don't understand the obsession with "ground breaking" television.

Kyle Chandler anyone?

I'm surprised she lasted that long. What they did to her character in season 3 was horrible, and I can't imagine that she was down with it because this is the same woman who initially refused to be on FNL as the coach's wife who's just there to support him and his career.

Never thought I'd say this about a show with Connie Britton as the lead but good riddance.
The pilot was so so good, and I enjoyed watching the first season but as of season 2 the show became so predictable that you could tell what will happen in the finale just from watching the premiere.

True. Though I absolutely loved the introduction of Barry Allen on Arrow in season 2. Season 3 was really bad and while this season got better I found myself pretty uninterested in watching by the mid season finale. Maybe I'll binge everything later in the summer but at this point it just feels pointless and reading
