
She actually went there? I figured she could've sent the recording from wherever she was at the time…

Ugh I thought Silas was supposed to be the TVD version of the first

Man that episode was so painful to watch!
My husband stopped watching after this one and no matter how much I told him that IT GETS BETTER he wouldn't believe me. Then he saw the last few episodes of season 2 with me and he was like "wait how did we get here?"

Here's to hoping someone does this for the first season of The Vampire Diaries. It would be nice to pretend that Stefan and Elena did not recite their diaries in unison!

I was just baffled about how far the show had come in just 2 seasons. By the end of first season I had become invested in each of the characters, and by the end of the second season I was just crushed by how much a show about human dolls catering for high end clients could be thought provoking on issues of identity,

I haven't seen the episode yet, but if I understand correctly the Speed Force is The First?

Topher absolutely broke my heart all the way throughout the second season, starting with his amazing mindfuck-turned-serious-philosophical-conversation scene with Amy Acker and ending with him looking at the photo-collage on the wall and smiling. That was so brutal.

I guess it makes all the difference that we're finally hearing it on an album for the first time, now that Thom and his wife are no longer together. The album just ends with "don't leave". Ouch.

It sure feels that way doesn't it?
Thom's voice actually breaks at some point during True Love Waits and it almost breaks me in half every time. It's like the music equivalent of The Leftovers if that makes any sense..

I feel Pablo Honey was just a means to an end, a first record that they put out in order to get things moving. I think it's the album I've listened to the least, not because it's bad but because everything else is so much better so it hardly gets to play on my iTunes.
Fun fact: Creep is pretty much their most famous

So true.
I loved them before I could fully grasp what they were talking about or even doing musically. Heck I'm still not sure if I do now, but it's always intriguing and it's been constant with every record since I started listening to them in 2001.

I second this so much

Hail To The Theif wasn't very well received where I come from, and pretty much everyone I know who likes the band discarded it as a bad album after a few listens. So I automatically thought that this was the general consensus.
But I'm glad to see you have so many favorite tracks from HTTT! It was the first Radiohead

I've only listened to it once, but so far it seems like the album is the answer to this question:
What if Thom York channeled Lee Hazlewood and sang his heart out even more than usual?

We get it! You're in a safe place!

idioteque was the very first song I ever heard for them and it was just so weird and different yet awesomely compelling that i had to hear it again… And that is the story of how I grew from a Backstreet Boys fan to a Radiohead fan (I was 14 at the time).
This album made me feel like I was discovering Radiohead for the

I'm kind of leaning towards yes!
Then again, I saw Burlesque and survived, so how bad can this be? Not only does not have Kristen Stewart, it also does not have Cher giving advice to Christina Aguilera.

I'm not sure anyone knows what Moby City was. I saw all episodes and by the final one I was thinking I still have no idea what this show is about…

I love him and Costco all the same.

I still don't get that review! What the hell was that about? I mean it's not his absolute best album but it's still pretty great.