
I was actually joking, I'm just impressed that he tapped into his dark side and was able to see through it at such a young age. He technically had that coming of age moment you see in every movie before he even hit puberty!

So, Andrew Bird discovered self control at the age of 6?

I agree with everyone, great feature.
I love when we get to see artists discuss their creative process like this. More please!

Boy does it get on my nerves!
And I love Drake, but what is he bringing to the song really? His part puts me to sleep.

It really is worth the listen. It got stuck in my head pretty fast and you know that feeling when you're listening to Earth where you feel your heart squeaking and dropping and dying a little on the inside? It's all there!

I'm listening to it now, and enjoying it a lot!

Here's hoping I would some day!
I saw a live video on youtube of Your Hand In Mine, and one of the guys screamed from the top his lungs at the beginning "THANK YOU!". I feel like it would be safe to say I would have done the same if I had been there.

I hope, for our sake, that they will be doing more collaborations and putting out a record together.

I really don't get it either. His music is never ground breaking or life altering, but he has such a strong sense of narrative and he's always evolving and I think it's part of what makes his music so interesting. He has a different approach to music than most, in the sense that he always leaves a margin for

I was looking forward for this review the most! Bummer.

I still haven't gotten the time to listen to the new album, but I'm kind of looking forward to it.
To be honest, I never really liked anything aside from The Earth is Not a Cold Dead Place, the Friday Night Lights soundtrack, and a couple of tracks on other albums here and there.
Back in college, all the "cool" kids

Top 5 best fisties!

I this can be said about the entire season since the heretics were free, to the town becoming abandoned, to Julian and Lily and her remorse, to Damon regressing to his season 1 self… Hey! Maybe next week he'll get his crow back!

I started watching the show because of Klaus and Caroline. I think it was around season 3 or 4 but I swear I saw one episode and decided to watch just to see what was up with these two.

True, but they didn't even interact. Only reason he was there was so Damon could kidnap him and beat the shit out of him so he can hallucinate burning Elena with that horrendous CGI of fire eating up her face!

I'm right there with you!
I've been lurking around for a while because I haven't had much to say about the show since the beginning of the season. I even stopped watching after a few episodes and only caught up with everything yesterday because I knew this was a crossover episode.
The only good thing I have to say

Klaus and Stefan! How I missed these two together!
Anyone remembers when they were scouting for werewolves in season 3 and Stefan said something like "I get we're stuck together but if we can skip the chit chat it would be great" and Klaus fired back with " STEFAN! So much BROODING!"
I always enjoyed how they navigated

I can't remember if they had any scenes together on TVD but I really enjoyed their talk in the trunk. Stefan has more chemistry with freakin Hayley than he has with Caroline. And Caroline and Klaus are just gold.
My favorite interaction though was Stefan with Freya: I have to tell you that I dated your sister. Boy

And the fact that those guys now have to live with the fact that she died because of a stupid, meaningless joke, and worse, she died mortified at the fact that her friends would even consider doing something so cruel and mean and expect her to laugh about it.

Great read!