
Best thing I've read on Jezebel today.

We laugh, but I have never ever hear my poor dad say pregnant. He blushes and says "expecting." Even when talking about farm animals. We were at a petting zoo and he was showing my son some pregnant goats. He pointed them out and said they were "expecting little ones." Man, the old fashioned is strong in him.

Good point. Boning the same dude, with the same insanely obsessive hygiene. Still tend to drink bottled water out of a mild paranoia, which I know is not founded, of giardia in Sydney's water supply. But there has been one huge change I forgot to factor in. I went from a NYC dot com job to a being a singer/songwriter

I've never seen a feedlot here. And the meat is so delicious. I heartily approve of the Aussie approach to animal stewardship, in general (except for the practice of mulesing lambs, which I don't know enough about to have a firm position, but it sure sounds bad).

I guess it's called bearberry in the us. Here's a little snippet from University of Maryland's site:… I believe it sure as shooting worked on me. I got a kidney infection and recurrent UTIs for three years, then I stopped drinking tap water, moved to Australia, started taking this stuff

I'm not a vegetarian, but I used to have chronic, nearly constant UTIs and then moved to Australia, where they cleared up and stayed clear. I know they use antibiotics much more conservatively here (in meat, as well as in humans), but I have no way of knowing if that was the deciding factor. I also began taking uva

That's banana? I always thought it was sugar-flavored plastic. Yuck.

I fucking LOVE them. I know they are gross on some level, and I can see why no other person on the planet might like them. But I love them. They remind me of hanging with my Maggie (grandma) when I was a little kid, watching Fantasy Island, and livin' large.

Good gravy. Do you live in Ohio, by chance? Now I have to relate my overheard story. At the mall, of course. It's not Ebola related, so please forgive, but it's relevant to your story.

Oddly, that's what I like. They aren't meant to seem like real people. They are overly mannered, weirdly presented signifiers more than characters, and I have a terrific soft spot for them. I also love the visuals, and find the pathos pretty funny/moving. It's like Chekov or something. Hadn't thought of that before,

I could be down with bringing back the stocks for short durations. Let people see what the crime is and let them jeer and shame the criminal. Don't know about hitting and pissing. That might be a bridge too far.

I was thinking the same thing. She's practically giving me THE SHIVERS, and I like it.

I have a kitchen drawer full. My kid haunts the bathroom, waiting for the roll to be finished. Hot wheel tunnels are the favorite, but they've been pressed into service as an "oil derrick" from Cars 2 as well. Obsessed.

I just fainted dead away. Don't know how I'm typing.

OH! She's delectable. Those ears. Those wee white tipped bunny feet! Darling.

Photo? Pretty please?

All is well, internet stranger! How lovely to think someone out there is thinking of me. I've mostly tuned out the channel where I pick up on others' feelings, but in cases of mentally ill people or the elderly (again with the elderly), I can't shut it out. And that's okay. I've just put out another record and, as

I had the same happen to me (and had friends step in and usher me into a cab and back home). Because I was already on medications, I had a pretty bad reaction and ended up really ill. I didn't go to the hospital, because I was alone and really freaked out, but it was an awful 48 hours. The thing that stuns me is that

Raises hand, sheepishly. Until I saw the photo I was getting all panicked and potentially teary. Then I had one of those brain-racking moments and realised he's the brother and I'm a dope. Still, a stellar family, and a great loss.

Oh, now, that's worse. My hair is far too high maintenance for that bullshit. I am guessing the hair was okay?