
Just document, document, document. To be on the safe side. I had things like that happen to me so often when I was younger (back when I worked in office environments) and it wasn't until much later that I had the agency to realise it wasn't kindness or flattery but, in fact, pretty inappropriate. I don't doubt that

That is borderline sexual harassment. Not that you'd act on it or anything, because I don't think it's actionable. But he's your boss and that's just dumb and inappropriate. You should document it in case this same boss continues to be inappropriate. The worst thing is, he probably thinks he was paying you a

Hey Alice. I feel you. I'm a singer and songwriter in Australia. My songs have some serious themes and people cannot stop talking about how I don't LOOK sad. I LOOK cheerful and so pretty. I imagine it would be so much worse in comedy. Both music and comedy are boys' clubs, but there are more women breaking through in

As much as I am an advocate of peaceful problem solving (I actually volunteered at a summer program called PEACE SCHOOL when I was in HS, a zillion years ago), I know from real, sad life experience that there are situations in which the most effective way for (usually male - don't know why) kids to shake a bullying

I didn't have the guts back then. But today everyone overreacts to pretty much everything, and I think you'd end up going to jail or getting a gun pulled on you. Different era.

That wasn't called for.

I do think where you live might dictate your response. If I had my son in the town where I grew up (pop. 1500) I would happily leave him in the car while I paid for gas. Maybe in my in-laws' larger town in up-state NY. But I wouldn't leave him in the cities I've lived in (LA, NY, Chicago, Sydney). Still, not here to

I think that's pretty funny. I had friends who grew up broke and clever, and they used to break into one of our teacher's homes to use her pool when she went on summer vacation. Made their own summer fun.

Well, then I don't like her either! (Not offended at all. Just wondering if she had reason for not being able to use an analog clock).

Oh, hell. I'll go there. I was Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude, Masters degree and all, but I couldn't tell time on an analog clock until I was in my 30s. Couldn't use a map. I still get lost if I don't take EXACTLY the same path every time. I don't drive. It's related to a learning disability - a spatial issue. Maybe

Yep, cosigned. That book is crazy good. I keep looking to see if he's finished he sequel, but alas.

I just sent this to all my loved ones in a flurry of hilarity-induced goodwill. Sadly, my mom and aunt aren't going to love it as much as I did. Salty language.

I had never heard this before. Thanks for posting. I love the pictures - kind of mind-boggling.

Sorry. There's a lot of weird elitism and classism going on in this comment section. I grew up (comparatively privileged) in a poor rural area and I get stroppy on behalf of my friends and family who weren't as lucky. What happened to this little girl is terrible and the suggestion that it's just what you can expect

Someone else has already said this, but if you ever have a chance to let him know, please tell Ross that there are many people out there grieving for him and his family, and feeling outrage that the DA is charging him for what was a tragic accident.

I know I am supposed to laugh, but it's not that funny. Just kind of elitist and mean.

Oh yeah. People were always telling me to stop apologising all the time. Embarrassing, but I couldn't help it. Like a tic. When I had my son, I really dialled it back, but it happened organically. I guess I just stopped over-thinking a bit.

This is something I have always known. Fortunately, I don't actually try. But I cannot un-care.

Did you just use a pic of Kurt Cobain as an example of something WRONG? I still aspire to look as effortlessly cool. Dude gave no fucks, was beautiful, and looked amazing, just sort of accidentally.

Hell yes to Ree Dolly. What a role. What a character. She doesn't have to wear leather pants or high heels or anything. She is just magnificently tough and stubborn and fierce.