
As tough as being a sole caregiver is, you were so lucky to spend that time with your grandma. I love that you did it, and that you wanted to. You and your grandma were really blessed to get that time together and I bet she absolutely worshiped you. I love this story! Thanks for telling it.

I'm so sorry.

I loved the pants off this tumblr. Laughed out loud, cried, and was generally crazy happy the whole time I read it. GAH, I love the daddies. I sent the bit about the kid whose Mexican rad dad taught him to greet others in the room with respect to my own dad. We aren't Latino, so it isn't a cultural thing, but it is

That is the sweetest thing I've heard today. I miss my grandaddy.

I just did a quick search and it looks like there is an allowance to stay in the UK as well. You would need legal advice, though. There needs to be documentation via police or hospital, but if the visa is gained through marriage to a partner with permanent residence status in the UK, there are provisions. Here's a

I kind of want some Goldieblox for myself! I'll definitely be buying for my niece. But as far as fair use of the Beasties song goes, even though I love the Goldieblox song and video, thatz not okay. If they hadn't put the ad bit in the end about the product, they could have gotten away with it, but since it is an

Why thank you so very much. Made my day! Someday I will sit down and learn the black magic of the gif.

And Bernard Black is MY personal nominee for sexiest (fictional) man. Well, Bernard and Jamie Lannister, but Bernard would wipe the floor with poor Jamie.

It used to be so, but I don't think it's as significant as it used to be. At least anecdotally. Cost of living has really gone up in the US. Groceries, gas, appliances, it all costs more. And cost of living estimates seem to never take into account the staggering costs of medical care in the US. I may get cheaper rent

I have always heard that (I'm a midwestern girl who has a southern mama and was transplanted to NYC before I made the jump to Sydney), but I had heard also that in the US they rectified this and required companies to make up what tips didn't cover, up to minimum wage. Makes sense that it would be state by state,

I know. I don't know how much I thought about it (except to think minimum wage should be raised) until I moved here and saw that the minimum is actually a living wage and that people seem to have more pride in a job of work here. There's no shame in being a server or store clerk or whatever, which I used to see at

Servers do get a living wage in Australia. Minimum wage (which all servers can expect, and some are paid above) is absolutely a living wage. Minimum wage is $16.37 per hour . Compare that to the US, where the minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. Imagine trying to feed and house yourself and a kid, for example, on $7.25 per

That is just beyond my ability to comprehend. What a dickhead. My mom is a little bit nuts. I love her, but she's not right sometimes. When I was about 10 she told me my dog got run over...for April Fool's. I love me some nice, non-scarring April Fool's jokes, but that is just messed up. Not on par with a fake HIV

That's more like sociopathic. Sociopaths should not celebrate April Fools.

Congrats, and the booby milk thing just made me laugh out loud. I've got a toddler and I remember well all my friends being in the bizarre "emotions make me lactate" place (I couldn't bf, but everyone else did). Such a funny, weird physiological thing.

Forgive me for being on the side of the biker, but I love this story. I have wanted to do this so many times, but I am a small woman (avian bone syndrome), and I don't scare anyone. At the last movie I saw in a theatre, there was a man next to me filming the whole thing on his Android. It took 15 minutes to work up

Best to do something about it sooner rather than later. It gets worse. I had it on and off for years and it got much worse after I had a baby (something about pushing a stroller, combined with the laptop thing). I couldn't pick him up for months. I wish I had just dealt with it when it first happened. Apparently you

Is it the ring finger and the pinkie? And do you do most of your work on a laptop? I got ulnar nerve entrapment on both hands that way. It sucks. An osteopath or PT can fix it though. Hurts, but it's worth it.

Thanks for your good wishes.

I definitely have less of that kind of thing going on than I used to. But I will still sense people's pain or joy in a really visceral and startling way. Like I'll be passing by someone on the street, or sitting next to someone on the bus, and I'll be overwhelmed by their sadness or loneliness. I used to take it on