
Yep. My first thought was Name of the Rose. And though I'm not a huge fan, the Cemetery of Forgotten Books from the Ruiz Zafon series would be cool.

I thought she was gracious, sweet and very funny. I've not really been a fan, but now I am reconsidering. She was in Office Space after all.

Hee. I miss edit. Blood on the Moon, not Thunder Road (though I love the theme song).

Robert Mitchum in Night of the Hunter is oddly sexy and compelling/repellant. Robert Mitchum in Thunder Road gets me alllll het up.

Early marriages can be happy and grand, but I have seen some that were just giant tar pits of regret. I was mid-twenties, and I think that's kinda young still. You are right that being unhappy in a relationship is one of the loneliest feelings in the world. Given the legal ramifications and the social pressures it is

Is this true? Is there a good place to read up on this? I was a scrawny assed knees and elbows kid but I started my period at 11 (nothing else puberty like happened for another, say, 15 years. Boobs, curves, etc.). But of course anecdote means nothing. I am interested in preventing early puberty in my son, so would

I make a lot of jokes on here about being a parent because you have to laugh or you might start taking it too seriously. But honestly, it's amazing. And horrible, and sweet and tender, and brutal and fun and pure drudgery. There's just no good way to describe it. My kid blows my mind. He'll be 3 in a few months and

I feel compelled to pop in here and say it is absolutely possible to be married and have a very fine time. I married a bit of a Peter Pan and I was kinda one too, and we just ran around to our favorite bars and traveled the world and had adventures for 10 years. Then we had a kid. THAT'S when the party stops. I would

You don't want to find yourself in the legal contract that is marriage and trying to "convince" your partner to have kids. It's depressing. You both know what you want and now is the time to make decisions. It's never wrong to figure out what you need and then take steps to get there. Strong Khaleesi.

I do believe that's called gallows humor.

I love you. I am covered in yogurt and snot and I may have a lego permanently embedded in my heel, and I love you.

I love the pants off that movie.

American in Australia. Second this. Also for Americans who might be curious, what we call tomato sauce is generally called Passata here (and in the UK, I believe).

In defense of those people who got offended, when I took my now-three year old to his eight week pediatrician appointment the guy gave me hell because he had gained weight too quickly and told me to feed him on a strict schedule and not on demand. I was blown away. The kid was born at 7 lbs and had gained half a

I was just thinking "EEP! Did all those people think I was going to steal their stores' stuff?" That happens to me all the time!

I am feeling pretty soft toward Cohen right now and I have been examining my decidedly emotional response toward this story. I think it has to do with the fact that most of the stories we hear about famous or powerful men and paternity have to do with vigorous denial even in the face of DNA proof. In fact, lots of the

Your comment just gave me the shivers. You are definitely speaking the truth. Once they've "othered" her, she loses her right to the protection and consideration afforded other young girls. It's the same sort of creepy sexualized thinking that permeates this whole conversation.

I'm all for any excuse to use the Bonn.

That is really interesting and not something I had ever considered. Thanks for pointing it out.

Depressing, ain't it? I ate two, count 'em, TWO cheeseburgers a day for a period of over a year when I first moved to NYC as a skinny young sprite. (Not to gain weight. Just 'cause I liked cheeseburgers). And people constantly made remarks about how I needed to eat, or how much nicer I'd look if I had bigger boobs.