
I'll never understand it, but you always manage to express my sentiments exactly. And then post handy gifs illustrating them. Thank you for being eloquent, so I don't have to (so early in the Aussie morning). x

A Maine Coon killed my pet anole and I STILL love the whole breed. Smart, crazy, noble beasts.

My partner had to lie on the floor after he saw the epidural, so I should have pointed out that I do not fully trust his reliability as a witness. He spent the entire procedure in a lightheaded haze. After I wrote this, I spent some time reading up on the topic online and decided that it was likely that he saw

I just did the same thing to my husband. We live in Australia, where there are wildlife hotlines that make it easier to deal with this stuff (in fairness), but he said he'd call the local hotline. I'm well pleased.

I just had a c-section 2 years ago and my partner says my intestines were on the table. I barely remember the whole thing. I was having low blood pressure issues and they had trouble keeping me conscious, but I wonder why my intestines had to come out? Does it have to do with the position of the baby or something?

I had completely erased the Hee Haw Honeys from my memory bank. You are right on. There is an almost sweetness to it. Almost.

That disturbed me so much I decided to research a bit and I'm horrified to find that you are right on the money. Here's a link to the study: