By the power of Greyskull!

"The children were traumatized by these pamphlets on the same day that a baby cow was on campus as part of a lesson on dairy farming."

Yes, vegans and other people who make a moral commitment to forgo factory-farmed meat are such monsters. The unnecessary mass brutalization and maiming of millions of animals each year is nothing compared to the suffering you and others must endure by having to listen to a preachy vegan.

Maybe they should just republish Neil Gaiman's Babycakes?

whatever it is, It's still FRIED CHICKEN and should not be considered a healthy food option to be eaten on a regular basis.

...wait, no more Shia?

I kind of disagree. This looks equally shitty to the first three, but with dinosaurs. Dinosaurs do, scientifically, make everything better.

I mean, it's shit. But let's do the math:
Marc Walberg > Shia Lebeuff
Dinosaurs > No Dinosaurs
therefor Shit + Marc Walberg + Dinosaurs > Shit + Shia Lebeuff.

It's science.

Go back and read she didn't say it was stupid she just didn't believe in the relationship, maybe she wanted Hermione with some one else or for her to be single.

and threw them in the trash this Tuesday

Oh yeah, because wasting food is a really good way to teach these kids a lesson! "You don't get to eat today, and we are throwing the food in the trash!"

Is anyone else getting bored of all these films/games being announced 2-3 years in advance now-a-days? Do people actually have 3 year calenders where they mark the dates???

Me, too :[

Two women sleeping with him...Can somebody please explain this to me? Maybe I would understand if he had crazy charisma but he seems to be boring to death. No amount of money in this world would even make me consider hooking up with him.

Girls not getting friendzoned as much? My entire dating life is me being friendzoned! Heck two weeks ago this guy I was dating gave me the friendzone talk!

Hmmm... the term doesn't seem like the best to me. But not coming up with anything better.

Y'all pick the most awesome stuff to nitpick and get pedantic about, I swear. I love you and everyone in this forum. You come sit here next to me and we'll watch cat videos all night together. *hugz*

How long until the real plan is revealed...