
Your comment is hilarious. Preludes are and have always been a joke of a car from a performance perspective. I've seen people pour many dollars into them and even then there's little they can do well. Even with good power they are too heavy and imbalanced for a FWD they wallow through the corners desperately

shoulda been RWD

hue hue hue, sad hillbilly need to get off his high horse.

Better than dying in an American car from the late 2000s.

Genesis sedans are great compared to the competition at the price point when it was introduced. Lets step outta 1985 shall we?

but who needs AWD really - I grew up in VT and now live in northern NJ and I have always felt AWD is needed for marketing more than life.

I can't believe he said PT cruiser on Jalopnik

you lost me at PT cruiser.

VW Transporter.

I'm not obsessing at all. You are the one making accusations and are unable to back them up with anything other than cutesy sayings like "put down the crack pipe". I have a cutesy saying for you "grow up and admit you are wrong". I actually own a 944 unlike you.

I'm not saying that specific car for 10K. You can get a car "just as nice" with more mileage for 10K. This car certainly does have a place in someone's car collection. It's just not something to realistically compare against in the marketplace due to it's rarity. I own a 944 myself. Would I buy this car? Nope!

White knight detected

I think the AW11 MR2 is one of the most '80s cars, and Regular Cars does a fantastic job of explaining why.

The cyclist is a douche. Plenty of room to move over and let the car pass. If your gonna go with the argument the cyclist was looking off the bridge then it would seem it's their fault. What if they hit another biker doing that? Throw it in reverse next time and finish the job

the bike rider made NO attempt to stop until the last possible second. they had seen the car for close to 4 seconds before touching the brakes. they also made ZERO attempt to move over when in my opinion there was enough room to at least fall and prevent an impact. this person knew they had the camera rolling and saw

I meant it as they insist on other people following road rules, but don't make any attempt to do the same themselves. I will say that the majority of cyclists aren't like that at all. Some cyclists ruin the reputation of the rest. I had one shout at me once for taking my turn at a 4 way stop that he didn't even slow

I'm not arguing that the car shouldn't have been on that bridge, but the cyclist seemingly made no attempt to move over or slow down, and almost looks to have hit the car on purpose. I know a few cyclists that wear helmet cams like this, and the majority are colossal douches. (Blow through lights and stop signs, but

Calling crossovers "SUVs".