
Agreed. The more economical approach to solving the marital automotive inequity is to secretly trade-in your wife’s Stingray on a Prius. You can make it up to her by doing something fun with the cash you save, like investing in money market mutual funds.

Jesus, doing the math... if the average cost of new car is 31,000 and the average payment is 523... people are putting NOTHING down.  Just.... how.....

You bought an off roading toy that you daily drive.

Jeep. Wrangler.

I don’t see anything terribly wrong with the Miata driving. The S2000 driver is upset why?  Because she got passed? And she starts her only little road-rage tantrum. Perhaps if she paid attention to her mirrors she wouldn’t have been surprised by the Miata. There was plenty of room and plenty of forward visibility

I was heading to [tire store] to get new shoes mounted on my ‘02 Miata a few years back. Had my son riding shotgun, and I’d lit the rears up at every stop sign along the way, and may have done a couple of parking lot burnouts as well, you can’t prove it! Anyway, we’re making a left onto the mostly empty A1A about a

I keep telling my wife that the only reason I want a 4C is because anything larger is just too gangly and unpractical. I mean really... A backseat? What am I a bus? I swear it has nothing to do with wants.

I have a real beef with the way we define practicality as a society. Why is there this universal idea that more

I find it funny that Jalops unanimously hate Lexus’ styling, and yet every non-Jalop I’ve asked unanimously loves it. I know you guys are weird and love diesel wagons, but damn, you guys are dead wrong on this.

“The plane is an eyesore!” -Some guy who probably owns a Nissan Juke

We don’t believe in personal responsibility here any more. When your fragile heart gets screwed, you go to social media, complain, and bitch as loud as you can. If you’re lucky, a media company picks up the story and portrays you as the Saint that you are and blasts the evil big entity you’re complaining about. As

So call the dealer beforehand and tell them that you weigh 300 plus pounds and you want to be assured that no parts of the car will fail due to your weight? Or do you contact the manufacturer directly? You know full well that’s not an option.

It figures you Americans would rather have cars designed for your gargantuan asses instead of looking at yourselves in the mirror.

Well, when you’re really heavy you have to deal with these types of problems. If he were 8 feet tall and his head kept wearing out the headliner, would anyone expect Hyundai to keep replacing the headliner?

Here’s my suggestion and so help me, it even works as an organic alarm clock.

Reminds me of the last fight I got in. This guy at a bar was looking at me. So I said, “What the fuck you looking at asshole?” He looks at me and says, “Nothing.” I stood up. “Damn right, you better not be.” This guy had no business fucking with a guy like me, so I said, “ You have no business fucking with a guy like

But you don’t understand that it isn’t that simple. The can’t just give it 50% more power without doing anything else to the car. They aren’t complete idiots.

Sure, you or I can buy a forced-induction kit, slap it on and call it a day, but an OEM sure as hell won’t do that. They have to honor a powertrain warranty for

When I see a shitty car like a Dodge Avenger, I tend to ignore it also.