Bryan Price

What special address is that? traceroute it and see if it does for you as it does for me...

I just got back from vacation.

Vote: Mozy

I'm glad Nader got rid of that absolutely horrendous push button automatic transmission that Chrysler had.

Total replacement.

Introvert. My Meyers-Brigg's Temperament is INTP.

As an introvert myself, yes, there are times when I want my socialization known ahead of time. I may need to get the energy up to enjoy it. There are times with me at least when I can be up for anything at a moments notice. But not that often.

TheOldReader. I don't use my phone for reading feeds, only my desktop. I can bring it up on anybody's computer if I need to, if I'm traveling. It's not as fast, but it's not so slow to fret, although when you see the counts go down one by one because you've marked a whole feed/folder as read, it makes one wonder.

We talked about having a neighborhood dump BBQ (those that didn't have a generator keeping their freezers cold) during that time. We got electricity back on before it got organized.

Yeah, I've got two tanks I rotate myself. And I will refill the empty soonest during the season. My new grill I got this season uses both propane and charcoal. Trouble is, I seem to be going through a lot more charcoal than propane this year. ;)

I'm sure. And it's not as if you were seasoned at getting through a hurricane. Not that I was that seasoned when I experienced my first hurricane, either. But at least I knew I had my wife available (somewhat, she was actually out of the country), and I bought what we really needed. And made sure that both propane

When your electricity is out for 5-7 days, and all you have is your grill to cook ANYTHING on, yeah, you pretty do what you can.

Wut? None of the above for me.

We won't be here in a million years. Either we will have evolved into something else via technical means, we will have killed ourselves, or something wicked this way comes and kills basically the whole planet or at least restarts the evolution back at the single cell life form stage for continued evolution.

How does this compare to

Have to agree with you.

Well let's see. Quit my job and moved from Ohio to Florida to get married and be the stay-at-home partner and raise 4 step children (two sets of twins...)

Thanks. That was the end of 1999, beginning of 2000. And I was the Y2K PC expert, on hand to fix any problem that we might have after the New Year! Not good! But we didn't experience any real problems either.

It's working now. Got the update, found out that somebody else was having similar troubles which he had managed to trace to NoScript.

If you actually read the reviews, this current version has problems even with the release version of Firefox. What do you not get that " does not work in the release Firefox."