Bryan Price

That was for the optional modem.

I salute my GRiDCase 2 that I still have sitting in my bookshelv.

Well, I have done away with Social Fixer, mainly for being assholes. I filed feedback that their extension was causing two alerts, sometimes multiple times depending on how a web page was coded, under Firefox 18. They deleted the feedback, and wanted me to write up the bug on their Facebook page. Facebook for bug

For reading ebooks, eink, certainly. My Nook Simple Touch lasts for months between charges. Using my phablet Note (1), even plugged in, I lose battery reading on it. A shame, as the Note is practically the same screen size as the Nook, although the Nook is still incredibly readable under the Florida sun.

I'm using the best security there is on my router. I'm wired in, and it's a switch.

Yep, I thought that was interesting as well.

I use Album Reminder.

Grabbed, installed, and still only 5GB. :(

Microsoft 4000 keyboard.

I could have used this five years ago in Switzerland. Blogger was even more ridiculous. If I have been using Blogger in English for years, why do you think I want to just switch to another language because I'm in another country?

I went back a week, and got back my old good contacts.

If you can stay within the lines, I guess.

VOTE: Swype

Yeah, I finally figured out how to get my texts sound different from other notifications. But I still can't find how to shut some notifications off like Gmail. Maybe if I go through a dozen different email programs I'll find something that does what I want it to. But why do I want to go through installing and

As a new smartphone owner (I refuse to call my old Garmin a smart phone, it kinda maybe let me surf the web, no downloadable apps, and I couldn't even get java jars to work worth a damn on it...), I find that this is becoming my #1 pet peeve.

0. And #1 is label #3 just for the hell of it.

It's also heavier than hell. My wife made me a lanyard with one, and that piece by itself weighs as much as the rest of the keys and other items.

Yea! That worked! Thanks Adam!

Link doesn't work.

Can't open that page, but another document I have opens just fine.