Bryan Price

Interesting. Too bad I haven't figured out anything good to actually use AutoHotkey for yet. So it isn't installed (yes, I have enough, er, crap, thank you...).

Emeril's Essence started being a mix that you made yourself. Laziness strikes again!

Hawking is an optimist.

@zarchucho: I as a right hander have a tendency to take both hands off the keyboard while using the mouse, especially, if all I'm doing is clicking and scrolling (wheel mouse you know). Which is generally what I'm doing when I'm web browsing.

@oopsmyeye: No, we didn't share toothbrushes, and we didn't share contact cases. We didn't even share solution bottles. We weren't that kind of roommates. :) And his previous roommate did the same, LOL. I only managed to do that myself for about a month before I said screw it. As we started making more money, we

@oopsmyeye: I've been changing mine at least yearly, if not sooner. I guess my optometrist was a good one when he told me that 35 years ago.

I had no clue whatsoever that you could do that to the monitors. I just jammed mine all the way down, because I'm at the bottom usually, trying to get to the other screen.

Wow. I was one thing away, so I did it. So now I'm at 5.25GB. And not that I really needed it...

Wave, damnit!

I have to say that I met Kevin Sorbo last year. He might be 6'. Shorter than I though he should have been. Of course, I thought I was just as tall as Phlox, and then I find out than John Billingsley still has two inches on me, which means that Scott Backula must be fairly tall.

If we survive finding the God particle that is. And 2012.

I noticed yesterday that I was already using the new Google Images.

I've had to deal with this on my own laptop (now since bricked), my wife's (during the remodel from the fire), and my son's (same). I put a card over the touch pad and use an external trackball.

@exoren22: Yes it does, and if you turn logging on, it will show it as long as you don't wipe and reinstall your OS. Let's be assured that I've reinstalled MULTIPLE times since 8 years ago, I think at least twice this year. Probably at least three changes of hardware as well.

@illegal3alien: That's one way to make a library, but I've been collecting shareware and public domain stuff for an incredibly long time. And it's all pretty much Windows native. I've actually got two libraries, bin and bin32. bin is the DOS stuff that may, or especially with Win 7 64-bit, NOT work, and the bin32

@bobkoure: Yeah, you are correct in that.

I use DynDNS to make my dynamic IP addressable. And then, at 11:30PM every night, I have a schedule to run this (call trackaddresschange.cmd):

The wallpaper is making me dizzy just from the picture. And the chandeliers? Red? Are you kidding?

Can I HATE: Blogger.

Yeah, I can't say that I'm surprised. It's not like it's going to not be staring you in the face either.