Bryan Price

If you're diabetic and have gone through the education, you know what a load of BS this list is.

I used my ISP email for quite sometime. I still do, even though I've moved. Now, my current ISP had me at, and then changed that to, and then three months after that, changed it to

OK, I've been doing computer stuff for 30 years. Granted, my computer operator/programmer year only takes up two lines. Maybe I'll just combine the two lines into one. :/

The only time I have an empty mailbox is when my hard drive goes circuit board up. Or when I decide to change email programs. I did have Thunderbird automatically move old things on my previous installation. I probably would have the same set up except that Thunderbird would throw the undated spam right into the

I got on yesterday and uploaded some photos.

That works if you know where you are at on a map. In the States for me. I just got back from 12 days in Europe. Yes, I had a couple of different maps. I was still lost more often that not, and that was when I actually cared where I was. The next camera needs GPS built-in to tag the photos and videos. Of course,

@InfoMofo: Yeah, I wonder about this too. Rare I've been told is the web between thumb and index finger relaxed, medium rare is the same web tensed a little, and well is the tip of your nose. There's not much difference in my hand between rare and well done with this method. With what I've laid out, that works for

It took me 7.5 years, but after trying to do the .com thing before there was really a .com, I quit my 4 figure salary (you read that correctly, 4 figures, and yes if it had made real money I would have been pretty well off, but not like a Microsoftie or a Googler). I had at times, not all the time, put it 7 days/week,

I'd say the first thing you do is make sure you actually live in an area where you can grow real grass. Where I currenlty live at, NE Florida, the best thing that seems to actually work here is what I would call crab grass where I originally came from (Ohio). My neighbors ripped out all of their trees, roots and all,