
@kablammyman: Dude, me too. I got my ass kicked regularly.

@Jaclo: I completely agree. The gaming scene is always going on about the next big game innovations, and when something actually is done differently they go on about how it's too far removed from gaming.

@InsidiousTuna: Totally. Nothing beats the NHL series. They are minor upgrades year after year, but as a hockey follower, I want the new version with the new rosters et al.

A read this a few days ago. Roger Ebert is a great writer. It really pains me to watch the "new" At The Movies with Ben "Douchbag" Lyons.

@TheSpiller: Yeah, me as well. Now I'm disappointed that it's not.



I'm tired off all the fucking Canada bashing.

Man. Tim Schafer is the Terry Gilliam of the game industry. Despite theire brilliance, nothing ever seems to go right for these guys.

Dude, I have the same entertainment centre!

Haha. Uwe Boll is a great man.

@dowingba: And films like Sin City to represent... good films...

What silly commercials. Haha.

God. I hope this sells ZERO copies.

@brutechaos: Find yourself a good thrift store or an antique store and you can find some great deals on NES carts.

YAY! Screw ZOE. I want more MGS!!

@riffleraffle: That's supposed to be funny? Are you 12 years old??