
Sweeeeeet. It's too bad I won't be able to afford RB2 until after Christmas. Travelling = more important than plastic musical instruments.

Since when are rerecordings good? They are usually way less edgy than the original and all the rawness and flaws of the punk are ironed out, making it sound like overproduced drivel.

God. What an idiot.

Because of their track record, this game is going to be sooooo hyped that it will inevitably be slightly disappointing if anything less than perfect. Must be intimidating.

Holy shit. This would be... AMAZING. Please, Capcom! Please!

Full orchestra? Yay!


Duuuuuuude. I never played Max Payne 2, but I would LOVE a new game.

This game sounds wonderful. Hopefully it isn't being too over-ambitious. I really want it to succeed and not feel like random button-pressing.

Uwe Boll commentary???

@antialias02: Oh, I agree. I adore Valve games. But my PC is old and I got so very excited when they announced Orange Box for PS3 but they have consistently ignored the console now and it makes me regret ever purchasing that version. It's certainly not helping customer retention, at least on the PS3 side. I would be


I fucking hate Valve. They make amazing games, tease PS3 owners with Orange Box, release a sub-par version, and then ignore the console from then on.

Jonathan Pryce!!!!! YAY!!!

This game sounds awesome. I want an North American version.

I kind of want zombies back.

Come on people: when he says the PC market was lousy last year he is NOT talking about the quality of the other games being released. He is talking about the economic climate and how last year PC games sold poorly. It's an important difference.

Whoa, whoa. Francis Ford is not magic. He magically made The Conversation, the first two Godfather films, and Apocalypse Now. Great films, for sure, but they allowed him to become compeletely overrated because all the rest of his output, especially since Apocalypse Now (minus the guilty pleasure of The Outsiders) has

Whoa: what if a new game, perhaps Rock Band 3, was released online and instead of having to pick from a set list of pre-packaged songs, there would be a list of hundreds of songs and you would get to download 60 or so for free?!! If I could bypass ever having to play a fucking Aerosmith or Bon Jovi song again.

WOW! This needs to be released NOW. I am so excited.