
Yikes. The Warner music catalogue. Other than Depeche Mode, it's a steaming pile of shit.


I just bought Face Without Eyes and Brazil from Criterion. How I love them.

NHL 08 had amazing controls, but the most boring gameplay ever. I was so disappointed. I hardly ever play it. The hits were so weak and lackluster, and the AI was ridiculous. Never should a team be able to even up the score in the final period after I am up 5 - 0 so frequently. That's not "smart AI", that's broken and

I'm still all up on the Rock Band. Finally downloaded the Pixies' Doolittle. Hellz yes.

Ugh. EA keeps spouting all this bull about having fantastic soundtracks. These are brutal. Good Charlotte? Seriously??

Who the fuck is Fatal1ty?

MOTHERFUCKER. Why must you be so cruel, Valve??

Do NOT get Skullcandy earbuds. For some reason everyone thinks these are good. They are not. They are slightly better than the terrible iPod earbuds so everyone thinks they are brilliant.

Oops. Forgot to finish. Haha.

I am a marketing student and I even did a lengthy report on corporate blogs (got a lot of info from Kotaku. THANKS, KOTAKU!).

Wow. If that is the real songlist, I am DEFINITELY not buying this game.

8. No... 10. NO... 12 HOURS!

Awwww. That's not cool!

All I want is for NHL 09 to be good. 08 was so disappointing. When you can dominate the entire game, only for the computer to score 3 goals in a row in the last period to win it, that it is not "smart ai". That is broken and cheap ai.

Haha. Best Link voice ever.