...So what? I mean, the only reason I would feel annoyed about that is because SDCC is crazy packed now, but, from my experience it's so bad now that the only people that bother going are people that really want to be there.
...So what? I mean, the only reason I would feel annoyed about that is because SDCC is crazy packed now, but, from my experience it's so bad now that the only people that bother going are people that really want to be there.
Dude, what does that even MEAN?! Fake as in what? Fake as in they've only seen 2 episodes of Adventure Time rather than the whole series? Or they've only seen the JJ-verse movies, but not TOS or TNG? What about only people that like VOY but hate DS9? Or they only played FF7? What if they REALLY LOVED FF7? It's all…
Nintendo wouldn't publish them to other systems. Would literally never happen.
I meant mostly that it would be a good idea for nintendo, if they were smart. I think that having nintendo in the game against microsoft and sony is good for consumers, and having some really interesting and identifiable exclusives would do wonders for their system. Look at Silicon Knights, and the Capcom games we got…
I think Ninty buying ATLUS would be a phenomenal idea. They could have all their IP as EXCLUSIVES. Persona alone would sell the Wii U like hotcakes, and we might be able to get DS Virtual Console like Radiant Historia and others. Wow, now I really want this to happen...
Or not.
No. This is not good. Not even close to being good. DLC out the ass. That means the Obsidian Star Wars game is fucked. Say goodbye to rereleases of XvsTie or other space sims. UGH. And people responding to Bioware Kotor sequel: THE OLD REPUBLIC? BECAUSE THAT TURNED OUT SO WELL...
Am I one of the only people that absolutely loved GTA IV? I have more play time on that game than I have for any game, ever! I bought it for 2 different systems! First for the 360 the day it came out but before my 360 red-ringed, then for PC which is where I've played 98% of it, because everytime I tell myself I'm…
I was just thinking this! How is this not an acceptable answer? Most 20 somethings I know AREN'T financially stable, so unless it's family or older friends, why would this be an issue? I understand it being disappointing, but not everyone is made of money, especially in this economic climate, so let's just stop…
porting twin snakes to a sony system has got to be a lot of work, not to mention the possible licensing issues associated with it.
There some that call me, TIM?
Do. Not. Buy. This.
NO always on DRM, Complete Collectors Editions for us consumers that WON'T buy DLC, but WILL pay 50-60 bucks for a complete package of a game that came out a year ago, PROPER pc ports, dedicated servers, and get rid of all the preorder bonus bullshit, and you will win back your detractors EN MASSE. Honestly. That will…
And this is exactly why I have waited to continue playing mass effect 3. I KNEW there would be final story content that would be a big deal, and here it is. For context I am about 10 percent done with the game not including any of the DLC. When I play story based games I like to have ALL of the story the first time, I…
Well, time for me to try out Monster Hunter for the first time ever, on my 3DS. What should I expect folks? I've heard it's like an MMO? Is this true? I like mmos... sometimes. They have to have a strong story though. I also like fighting giant monsters, legend of zelda style, I have also heard it is like that.…
They've nailed the style of the JJ movies, which is NOTHING like classic trek, but the fact that they got Pine and Quinto to do the voices I think is really cool, and hell is reason enough for me to want to play the game. And I'll be honest the base jumping scenes look rad and the graphics are actually pretty good!…
Too bad a used copy of Radiant Historia is $50+ and a new copy is $80+!
what about game boy advance games, HMMMM?
I understand there's probably a bit of bad sex going on, but, I don't know, pick dudes that don't seem greedy? People that actually think about you rather than themselves all the time? And dudes, COME ON! LISTEN and you will learn!