came here to say just that. however annie hall was also a little bit more well developed. she wasn't a caricature. all the MPDG's that followed however...
came here to say just that. however annie hall was also a little bit more well developed. she wasn't a caricature. all the MPDG's that followed however...
Also Doctor Crusher and he were screwing the entire show. They just couldn't commit because of that awful child.
Vash dude. Vash. Just because it happened off screen doesn't mean they didn't bang.
Pretty sure the Wii u is sold out everywhere.
So. I have a question. If you transfer your old 3ds "info" over to a new 3ds, it wipes everything on the new 3ds, correct? so if you transfer stuff to this new "mario kart 7 preinstalled" bundle, it'll delete the game and you'll lose it, correct?
You'll be waiting a while. Bioware do not do sales on their DLC. Ever. The dlc on PC has never been discounted and I'm fairly sure they've never been discounted on PSN or Xbox live.
The game is still fantastic on the 3DS. The 3D really Immersed me in ways I haven't been in a long time.
You always wait for the Steam Sale.
im pretty sure if you showed the snow covered one to people and say it was a photograph they would believe you.
I had a star trek insignia belt, and it stopped NO ONE. Speak for yourself.
Yup. Says in the credits the director did the VFX. All of the above probably cost nothing but the rentals of the cars, MAYBE permits (though most likely cuz it looks like it was shot in LA) food, extras who probably weren't paid, and other stuff like costumes and props (which probably were donated.)
Probably not that much. almost all of it was composited CG effects. the director probably did it all himself or with friends. If you notice, while on the street almost all of the cars and obstacles look "wrong." that's because they're not there, they just took a car, strapped a camera to which ever side they needed to…
only illegal if he was trying to do it for money, and if there was a cease and desist. shut yer trap, you know not of what you speak.
This is really bad. Like, holy shit, did anyone know what they were doing when they made this?
ByroniusMaximus. Also, ByroDude. Those were AOL (Even Compuserve!) Era.
After my 3rd replacement 360 RRoDed I said fuck it, and bought a mid-range gaming laptop with just good enough specs to play games better than the 360 or the ps3. (not GTA IV though, but we all know about that.) now i have my steam games hooked up to big picture mode, mods on some of my favorite games, emulators and…
Good god man! Kick the habit!
wow, that got y'all riled up!
Hah, all those 3ds haters, SO MANY GREAT GAMES. How many games are coming out for the Vita this holiday?
Because many of them would do the same thing and and don't want to be held accountable under the same circumstances.