hey, you know how whenever we see Link represented in a video he's always played by a girl? What if SHOCKER LINK IS ACTUALLY A GIRL AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN! Do they ever use gender specific pronouns to refer to Link?
hey, you know how whenever we see Link represented in a video he's always played by a girl? What if SHOCKER LINK IS ACTUALLY A GIRL AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN! Do they ever use gender specific pronouns to refer to Link?
I heard the single player aspects were rather inspired. Wrong?
The microtransactions for f2p players leading up to lvl 50. Plain and simple. Extra revenue to pay for the creation of the PVP and post 50 stuff. I would imagine you will also see the elimination of the paywall for post 50 content, eventually.
"Your over confidence is your weakness... Your faith in your friends is yours!" This is how I feel about this right now. BUT! Now I'll be able to play all the single player story content for free! HAHA! THAT'S ALL I WANTED TO DO ANYWAYS YOU FOOLS!
The tone of the article is definitely confusing given the overall feminist stance this site takes. I know not all women share the same ideas etc. but it is the whole "dainty ladies" thing rearing it's head again.
Yeah, it's pretty white. On the bus though it's a bit more mixed because of class/economic/race issues. Not as many white Prius/NPR moms and dads on the bus.
Yeah, uhm, what? From my experience it is perfect 50/50. I give up my seat here in Portland, constantly. We have lots of people with mobility issues (it's common to get tw0 wheelchairs per bus, EVERY trip.) using TriMet. I have seen Punk Rockers/Goths/Bros/Blondies/Nerds/Queens/Kings give up their seats to Old…
it was bigger. and to the above, because more efficient building cycles, ie, once you've built something, it's much easier to build it again.
the funny thing is, i imagine without dayz, (or if dayz had not become so popular) ArmaII would have definitely had a 75% off sale at some point already.
Gender and Sex studies are a huge part of gaming culture. The whole idea that core gaming has male centrism has made that inevitable. There have been a huge shift in the numbers of core female gamers in the last ten years and those women have grown up to understand that they want to be represented by the games that…
That's exactly what we need, more men in geek culture giving their point of view. We get it literally every day. I like that I get female perspectives through Kotaku. I wish that they had some more actual female writers on the site, rather than just links to others and the occasional contributor.
For some reason, from the videos I've seen and the reviews I've read, I feel like I will most likely enjoy The Last Story more than I will enjoy Xenoblade Chronicles. I just looks a lot more fun. I've been waiting to pick up The Last Story before I pick up Xenoblade, but maybe I shouldn't wait as I feel it's going to…
Except that the removal of those scenes leaves the pacing and tone of the movie a hobbling Frankenstein's Monster of studio level tweaking all of which makes the film feel uneven and random. I want to see Marc Webb's cut.
and i love that Black Panther is on guitar and Power Man is on Bass. Fantastic Four on Back-up vocals, and CAPPY ON TAMBOURINE!
There's actually quite a few films to get excited about on that list.
I am making a clean break from my last commenting account and restoring my original starred screenname and Avatar that were LOST during the last wave of commenting rule changes. So if anyone remember s Byronotron, I Am Legend! Minus the star obviously. (Oh and BTW I was a huge anti-star guy way back. i said it would…
i have a pc. that's my second console.