Byron Despres-Berry

So I am middle aged. And saw some of the things listed in their first run: "Twin Peaks," "Pulp Fiction," and most tellingly, as a kid, "The Day After." Sweet Jeebus, that freaked me out.

They have been in PLENTY of stuff. AT&T ads. They were great on Playing House. And one of them was good in his episode of Curb, trying to stop Larry from folding a sweater himself. And they were evil comic book store owners on some Disney Channel superhero show. I think they were in a Law and Order. And very

Oh, and I am reading all the comments because I wish like hell the episode wasn't over and that there was already more to watch.

What a beautifully written review. Nice work, Ms. Bowman. More please.

now that wouldn't be funny, would it…

I just wanted to jump into the scene with a window treatment for her. Give a girl a venetian blind, for cryin out loud

I nearly forgot about that. Yes. And it was drippingly graphic.

exactly. Milton

It's Office Space.

You only beat me to this answer by a week. Not too shabby…


(That's the default soundtrack playing in my car all the time. And I just DRIVE a mini-van. (All of these words—in addition to letting you know I got your reference by extrapolating on the reference—are true.))

This is kind of amazing. We live in a world where "Hooray for Black Hitler!" makes sense. Happy Thanksgiving!

that's a lot of typing you did there

So you couldn't just make a top 60 tv shows of 2014?

please tell me this guy is un troll francais…and that you know he's kidding… because jeesh… (maybe he misspelled poutine…)

Movies: Ghost Busters and Sherman and Mr. Peabody for the 10 year old, and Locke for me. Can't agree with the AV Club review of Locke: it got me. I guess I was relieved that it was not about someone involved in some kind of crime, which is what I'd expected. Oh, also saw Monsters v Aliens and The Lego Movie on a